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Saturday, March 22, 2025

I'm watching this
So often, during the day, I just want to grab you and ask, 'how do you play this part?' and have you walk me through it.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Oh, I am very familiar with Cat Stevens, and an elementary school friend loved, Harold and Maude.  Its so sad when you can't help someone you love.

I like your cover of, Trouble.


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

If you were on MySpace, I may very well have heard and seen you all the way back then.  I joined MS as an alternative to Facebook, and so was in that early batch of settlers.  When were you on?

It's exciting that we've been brushing up alongside each other for xo long.

So, you know her; I thought so.
I'd heard, 'Bushel Hyde', on that album, likely first, as well, but, On Your Own Love Again, is still the go-to album about my complex feelings.
Nothing but Love, but like a magnet, other things glom-on for the ride.


Tuesday, March 18, 2025


But you started to say, Piper, as well.
I'm partial to their pre-'90s stuff as well, and we share a lot of their albums in common.
I'm not as well versed in Sabbath, no deep cuts, just the regular radio hits for the most part.
H&M is on my to-do list.
I'd love to talk long hours about Elliot...

I'm not going anywhere, Love.
Ready when you are.

Monday, March 17, 2025

I was once again reminded of a cryptic childhood dream in which a Stingray car had to be raced in a single shot into darkness for me to win some great prize.   It was the, Spirit of '66.

Today, rainy, I was brought back to that, and then took a cultural stroll and saw that Blonde on Blonde was released in '66, and how many of those songs have come up in some fashion with you, and I felt an even keener connection to you. 

My Lady,

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Have a good week

Hello, Love,

Among other pieces, this is one I am drilling regularly, if not daily.
