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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Urban Idealism

 (c) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved

Together Although Apart

 (c) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 29, 2023


While the water carries her reflection, I cannot drink in her light and beauty from afar.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Power of Music

I have an 'album' of lyrics of some of my past, dead relationships, and I shared them with that special someone, told her that her songs had inspired me to write them.  I think the second album concept, with its direct linear story outline was something she more enjoyed.  The third one, sci-fi/cyberpunk based on the world before The Burn devastated Terra -- you've seen that 250 Word Micro Fiction in a past post -- that one is really bleak, often horrible, as befits the setting and times.  The fourth, a seasonal-theme, is nothing but love songs.  Then, there are the unsorted, outlier songs.  Experiments, or love-sick and hurt expressions, which would most likely be released as stand-alone tracks or EPs, once I got my keyboards out of storage in Old Hickory -- but I could try using a DAW...  Anyway, that entire portion of my creativity is barely limping along; the lyrics writing isn't difficult, but the musicianship is just taking a back seat -- a real bummer.

One of the Outliers, although I tentatively have it grouped with The Burn album batch, is a love song between Klytus and Kala of Merciless Ming's court from the 80s Flash Gordon movie.  I think that will need a rather epic electronic composition to elicit the movie's over the top atmosphere.

Its funny, my favourite person's music is so completely different from what I imagine I could ever produce, and she, the very best, or at least my favourite, of her genre, Her Genre, that I really never tire of listening to even those tracks she now thinks are amateurish or outdated; in fact one of those albums of hers is still among my all time favourite albums by any consideration.  I can tell her playing almost instantly, even un-released works: it's so distinctive in cadence and strum/picking, and the resonance/tambre of her guitars ring true -- that if I were blindfolded, I could almost certainly tell if someone else where playing the instrument.

Communication of ideas,
Communication of emotion.

You are the truest of the Graces, my love.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


All Images (c) Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved


Monday, September 25, 2023


All Images are (c) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved


Sunday, September 24, 2023


Something more than fiction; something less than a reality...

Sonic Sorceress


Saturday, September 23, 2023


 red dust storm
by vulpinoid
used with permission

How Did it Go, Midnight?

Looking forward to reading your assessment, any photos, and hopefully, seeing videos from it.
I'm waiting up for the Equinox to do a Working. 🌓


My work experience on Friday included walking in on techs who were working on brain-sensor-inputs, and a tech washing electrode gel out of his hair in the kitchen sink.  Can't make this stuff up.

Friday, September 22, 2023

AI Art technique: The Bazaar

I use a few different AI programmes, and this one permits the creation of one's own styles and defaults.  The process I have created is cribbed from an existing, but now broken, one which had been used with a prior generation of image modelling.  It requires pretty strict definition in the prompt to get good results, otherwise it looks like a depressing cartoon.

The Bazaar
(c) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved

Six of Wands

My Love


Thursday, September 21, 2023



Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Excerpt: Chapter 27 (Book II)

(C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved

Geaselle looked then, with the pause afforded them, into her lover's eyes of blackened fire; her lips formed a kiss.  Ayrqthon, like an iron pillar in the dust storm of the ephemeral, stood motionless, dwelt in a timelessness which cast its long shadow like a gnomon to the ages, and in that long then of their shared experience, conveyed with his slightest facial expression, his desire to know more, to know of her, to know her, completely.  Geaselle the Tsawbrer of Dabil Arasoya shone, back-lit, with black flames set against the thin veneer of whitewash with which his world was covered.  Ayrqthon stepped forward and took her hand, and bowed, and kissed it. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

That's _so_ URUTSK!


Monday, September 18, 2023

Autumnal Equinox is at 0249 AM Eastern, Sept. 23



(c) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Post-Post-Apocalyptic NeoFeudal Technocracy




Friday, September 15, 2023


     “Strive and succeed in all your labours.
    “See with His eyes in the dark of your lives.
    “May you be made strong in your strivings,
    “and steadfast through the night.
    “May shade rest upon your labours all around,
    “hedge and hem that you should know:
    “His blessings so abound.”




Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Colour My World


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A Little at a Time


Monday, September 11, 2023

Sunset Cove 1st Pass

Perhaps another bit of watercolour before gouache and then pen:


Sunday, September 10, 2023

How Many Miles...


...may I walk with Thee, my Love?

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Temple Complex


(C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved

Imagine: a square

within, -open air;

four pillars, light

-and dark, in pairs.

Galactic arc overhead,

nighttime scene in bed.

Dream, but one well fed;

silken covers black & red.

In recline I wander nightly,

mind shining so very brightly.

My reflection appears to me,

and thinking, she too can see.

Silver radiant mist surround,

prismatic colours abound,

distorted syncopation profound,

interpolated sense' confound.

Ghostly, shadow electric,

a profusion so eclectic;

thoughts come thither to me:

incantations, So Mote it Be!

Torches burn brightly in the night,

a power stronger than mere might,

a whispered scent of precious sight,

colours louder than they are light.

Stars, not-falling, arc-overhead;

this nighttime scene in my bed,

a sort of dream, but one instead

which soothes aches, both hurt & dread.

This square: imagination

not unfounded, -with intention

pure, beyond circumspection:

innovation and not invention.

One must get one's feet wet...
See You there Midnight


Friday, September 8, 2023

Shmaesa Ayor Kirmarikhle

"I Walk the Sublime Path"

Who is that on the balcony?

Thursday, September 7, 2023

One of a series

I created a slew of images on this theme, dozens.  This one has a nice mix of stylistic elements, colours and content based on my goals.
My plan is to be able to more and more closely render a mix of watercolour, gouache, and ink physical media to match this theme.
Wish me luck.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

THE ROAD BY AUTUMN (one year anniversary)

(C) 2022 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved

Hearing your voice: golden leaves are falling.

Endless empty hours while away the days.

We communicate another way: --thence, you

grant new vistas, and I feel the songs,

with upturn'ed thumb, to count the views.

To be there before the leaves have fallen,

there before her day, or mine comes 'round.

Before the pumpkins, and skeletons a'callin'

Leaves like hours in a day, flutter slowly down.

For I cannot longer linger on, my wake

a train of Autumn's colours, aswirl behind;

Blind I speed your mottled realm, by

instinct, onward rising urgence-sake.

The road by Autumn, afore November's Fire.

To be there before the leaves have fallen,

there before her day, or mine comes 'round.

Before the pumpkins, and skeletons a'callin'

Leaves like hours in a day, flutter slowly down.

Golden leaves a'falling, tis'your voice I'm hearing.


 o Today's rainy inspiration.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Monday, September 4, 2023

One Year Ago Today

My life was changed for the better.
Here's to future hope.

Have a lovely day as beautiful as you are.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

3rd Watercolour

Some gouache added at the end.



I hope to have a new, actual physical media, water colour to show on Monday.


Saturday, September 2, 2023

Have's and Have-not's

Have all of my creative energy channeled into writing, AI and physical art, with daily 5 minutes guitar.  I have neglected my guitar chords for a style I haven't found anyone else performing, and it has taken me where I am now on the guitar, which its great, and brings me a little bit of pleasure, sense of control, and accomplishment.

Want to unite what I know about guitar into something seamless, where my chords and this new thing I'm doing, and scales, and ColorMusic's interdependent dynamics blend together emergently, but so far it hasn't hatched.
:: Suggestions for tending breakthroughs?

Haven't touched ARGUS or Auldgory in months.  I look at the character sheet, and although it is what I want, I have no gaming prospects in my future, even online, given my work schedule, and so gaming feels like a vestigial limb.  I daily look at a set of polyhedral dice, and can't even imagine meeting new gamers and dealing with whatever socio-political BS to which they are subscribed on my weekends.
:: Any advice on scratching that itch without a full-blown Solo-campaign; I don't have the room for a board or map with active pieces in play.

Feel stuck in almost every other part of my life -- no way forward.  I've confronted myself about flawed strategies followed, psychological limitations I have placed on myself, but it really just seems like one of those periods where my hands on the wheel and the wheels on the road aren't in alignment -- I'm going where I'm going and that's that.  Life on rails: not my fave; would not recommend.

:: So, how are you doing?  Feeling something similar, or worse?  I'm not even going into my emotional landscape -- no one wants to deal with that...

Alright.  Take good care of yourself.  Hopefully talk with you soon.


AI anatomy isn't always the most attractive, and I imagine having split feet must be hell on shoe purchases, but until I am practised enough with the actual medium, today's and tomorrow's proxies are the best I can give you.


Friday, September 1, 2023

Если бы я был охотником [Bonus post]

Если бы я был охотником
(don't know if I have selected the correct gender form in the Russian)

Labor Day 2023

As I work in Security, and There Are No Days Off in Security, I will be at my post on Monday.
I hope all of you who have a long weekend enjoy yourselves and hope, too, that you go and do something out of the ordinary to mark the occasion; something fun, but, safe.