(c) Copyright 2009 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved
Opening Doors, Bending Bars, and other Feats of Strength-
While the quickest manner to determine any given feat of strength is to simply assign it to a Strength Test, some groups may desire a more precise chance, as outlined below.
* A Stuck Door may be opened on d% with a Target of 100. The character has a base 15% chance, and an additional +15% per +1 bonus due to high Strength.
* A Locked Door may be opened as above, but with a base of only 10%, with an additional 10% per +1 due to high Strength.
* Metal Bars (such as in a cell, or those protecting windows) may be bent enough to allow egress by rolling d% as above, but with only a 5% base, and an additional 5% per +1 due to high strength.
A Referee may determine other, intermediary, percentages for success, as better fits their play style.
As with everything in UWoM, I have presented my take on these issues, as informed by other Old School games, and often back-engineered them to fit with my like of d%.
If your group prefers n in d6 dice mechanics (or anything else), then adjust as you see fit.
Secret Doors, Traps, and other Architectural Features-
The fastest method for determining whether any given character notices something awry is for the Referee to secretly attempt their Wisdom Test. If the roll succeeds, then they may be informed, perhaps by written note, or if it is in your play style, openly.
However, other methods include granting everyone an active 33% chance, and adjusting upwards by 15% per +1 of the character's Int or Wis modifier.
Likewise, Yirinn and Western Isles Vrun both have hereditary and cultural familiarity with such intriguing features of their peoples' buildings, and receive an additional +15% over and above any other modifiers to such things.
Additionally, professional or practical experience with traps and secret doors, etc., such as Technical Skills, add their percentages directly to their odds before rolling.
In all cases, the target is 100. However, circumstances, such as draughts or seeping mists, may very well modify the outcome in favour of those searching, either by reducing the Target, or secretly adding to the character's percent chance, as determined by the Referee.
In general, it is easier for a Referee to lower the Target number than to hide the fact of a bonus from the player rolling the dice.
Lastly, it must be mentioned that finding an architectural feature (secret door, trap, chute, etc.) does not grant understanding of how it works. The Referee may require of the players additional rolls or other character actions to be taken before the feature can be properly dealt-with (egress, avoidance, use without harm, etc.).