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Friday, January 12, 2024

Simple Truth

I still don't know
how you do it;
this alone should be the proof
how much better
you are at it
than I could ever do.

See, Love, my structured
mind is on rails
and it takes me where
I want to go:
Sometimes with lovely pictures
or simply blood spattered snow.
I can picture scenes in
motion and I can smell the scents
but when it comes to
writing them down
in song your elusive spell,
like alchemy...well, my efforts
are but lead to your gold.

Such simple phrases pleasure
in my hearing, your words ring.
The cleverness of unexpected
turns of phrase and rhyme-break
sucked me in.
...and well, I hold you in such
high esteem, not by hypotheticals,
but years and hundreds of songs
which you have lovely sung.

[] Your beauty you may style
[] Your playing practised for long hours
[] Your voice developed with much skill
But all that wordplay and emotive force
that's inborn gift, my

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