I was just struck by how lovely you were when first we met outside. Your smile is indelible. I long to see you that happy again, in person.
Beautiful, you.
A blog for The Urutsk Cycle and Related Subjects, including the URUTSK: World of Mystery RPG.
Shipwrecked survivors of a galaxy-spanning empire (ruined when the core exploded) settle upon a wetlands world occupied by humans and other species. They then poke through ruins of their Ancient ancestors as they strive to regain space and then, starflight.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2024
(c) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
There exists a mountain buried
'neath miles of glacial ice,
and in its bowels lies
a chamber, unlit, -by human eyes.
A cryptic cathedral
in which sea laps blackness:
the shore of Obsidian stones,
-smoothed by aeons' car-ess
...and at the edge
where shore meets night,
Stands a Throne of ironwood
which, I alone, alight.
Smiling all the while
for the chime of awesome tone,
as I gaze upon that sheen:
at demon spirits who long to
seize; to make me all their own.
O'er the water my spirit glides
taunting them further in desires:
I choose them out one by one
to serve as Sword, Mosaic-style.
That, In, which is, Over and Above,
of tawny hues and brazen bright
shines as golden light below
set asparkle in Red's might.
I need no consolation,
my lonely wanderlings abide:
a solitude of echoes
reverberate all those I've
Left behind.
And yet, I would have stood again,
lived a life anew; seen a smile
grace your lovely face, my one and
only friend: my darkened twin renewed.
o https://www.balashon.com/2021/01/etzel-atzil-and-asli.html
o https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D7%90%D7%A6%D7%9C