First Benefits have landed and now awaiting my Disability appointment in early August.
It had got pretty rough, but the place I'm at now affords me the freedom in safety to continue my work and guitar journey. Big breakthroughs in all areas, and I am looking forward to sharing snippets with you here.
My old keyboard died, and now I am getting used to an even smaller (60%) footprint, so I'm still making little typing errors along the way -- always a bit of an irk which interrupts the writing flow, but I'm making strides.
Back on track.
I think that you will have to expect a decrease in the free content I have posted here, as I have been squandering my content on a largely unresponsive audience.
Something I posted a few months back lost me a few subscribers, I'm not certain what it was, but I hope they are doing well pursuing content more in-line with their comfort zone and to their liking.
GR&SB II continues apace, and I'm ramping up for the big confrontation of the series in the first systematic impact upon the world by the adversary force. The battle in which Marcher/Lord Marche fought the undead was just a feint.
Again, there will be snippets here and there, but I feel that my interests are best served behind a paywall, and away from prying eyes.
Have a great June.