(C) 2022 Kyrinn S. Eis
In one-candle darkness,
we dare to chant her name.
I've heard all the stories:
How the boys all go mis-sing,
But only one girl lives.
Moirafola bless her, and
-drag her into dark-ness.
Mary's face replace hers,
and her very breath She
wields, and through her, speaks.
Moirafola, for those who root it
out, she's their patron saint.
Mother of psychic daughters,
spinning electric webs
--their victims' ego ebbs.
Like puppet masters,
Black Candle Witches
direct their playthings:
These hapless fools, of
thirst, are slowly dying.
All this Moirafola offers
-to -just the -ri-hite girls:
"Moirafola come
Moirafola bring
Moirafola power
I crave deep within"
I've heard all the stories:
How the boys all go mis-sing,
But only one girl lives.
Moirafola bless her, and
-drag her into dark-ness.
In the darkess of one-candle
We dare to chant her name.
(C) 2022 Kyrinn S. Eis
To stay off the streets
there's a terrible price to pay
bring another boy to take your place
every night you sleep there safe.
The ones Magfola chooses,
they're the creepy ones;
lifeless eyes and violent,
they'll do any thing He asks.
But -you- were rejected,
and for that they slashed your eye.
Nowhere for Scarboys in towns
and villagers drive away;
but in the skanky cities,
you've found your entourage.
Burglars, Muggers, Killers
a dishonest accountant, too;
they all see something in you
you thought He'd taken from you.
Time to pay Him a visit;
show Him how wrong He was:
Red shock revelation, you always
were the ones.
Scarboys filled with His spirit
unnatural born leaders, --generals
--in his war of Independence.
Moirafola, black-hearted wife,
Her daughters in darkness
soon become your wives,
and through you are sired
babes better than you both.
Humanborn Voidbrood
all part of their plan:
destroy all comers into
unsacred mountain land.
Black Candle Rebels,
spit, and then spin three times.
The Lashan folk fear you
bring illluck & foul signs.
(Lybrti will have Her day)