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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Marissa, of course I still love, desire, and want you.
-- I'm no quitter; remember that old post of mine?

There's a #WitchHous3 song which talks about wings; a little depressing/confusing, -- but you know me... Love, my: " we'll mount up [on] wings black as midnight. " [Recursion post] is still in the cards as far as I'm concerned.  You've got the only seat at the table, and I'm All-In.

Be Mine, as I Am Yours.

A Simple Game

A Simple Game
Song by The Moody Blues

As time goes by, you will see
That we're going to be free
You and me, we'll touch the sky

Can you see in your mind's eye
That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game

There, by your side, I will be
When this crazy world is free
Free from doubt
When it finds out
Exactly what we're meant to be

That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game

Thoughts of another day
Flashing through my head
Thinking how life could be
All of the things that our great men have said

Be what we want to be
What we deserve to be
What we are meant to be

As time goes by, you will see
That we're going to be free
You and me, we'll touch the sky
Can you see in your mind's eye

That we are one
We're all the same
And life is just a simple game

Songwriters: Mike Pinder
A Simple Game lyrics © Sparta Florida Music Group Ltd., Sparta-florida Music Group Ltd
Source: Musixmatch

'Serpents' in my mind

Up since 230.
'Serpents' playing in my mind, I lay in the3 darkness and I couldn't understand why, why that song?
I had two things on my mind: times I had spent wondering how I was going to survive while my unemployment funds might arrive, and, how I had spent my inheritance in pursuit of a dream to become a rockstar and failed to even learn guitar -- and yet, write one 300,000+ word novel and get half-through a second one while I waited to hear an answer.

I got up, read the lyrics to the song and wondered what part of them made me think they somehow applied to my current situation; i couldn't find.

I re-read the reason Sharon had written them and -- no, that wasn't it

I read your  explanation of what, I Can't Listen to Gene Clark Anymore, was about, and how you were delighted to work with van Etten on the song -- hmm, not that either...

Went upstairs and found two 5 lb weights on the dining room table; I'd had access to weights at my sister's house and would use them at least three times a week in a routine to keep my arms buffed, even when I was half-starved saving half my paycheck towards moving out of her house to here; saved $1500 that way and still survived a lung infection, much less my fall injury.
When I felt like I was going to die walking up Fort Hill after an 8 hour shift, laden with my backpack, I had to start taking Lyfts home...  LoL, good times; wish I had a job now.

So I wert outside and did a short set with the weights and took in the violet-magenta cold of spring morning, and just stopped thinking.  Just breathed and counted and worked my arms -- arms I'd hoped would be used in pleasuring a songstress I'd fallen head over heels for...