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Sunday, January 28, 2024


Spirit Scouts
Image and Text (c) 2024 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved Worldswide

Aetheric Paths
As mind is shadows in time,
their lengths define their spine
Some paths are spiral lines
Others cut through binds
Sought you shadow-wise,
in lands of lavender

...Your mind my beacon
...summoning me day month and season
...Seemed full unreason
...You're my beacon

As mind is shadows in time,
I would that you know mind
and I, yours most-likewise
Silent sensual Sounds Sublime
Strings vibrate, oscillated sine
Shadows cast in bowed lines

...Your mind my beacon
...summoning me day month and season
...Seemed full unreason
...You're my beacon

Show me where they go
fingers poised under control
defining sight and lo!
wending echoes flow
Mirrored playing shows
places they're just so

...Your mind my beacon
...summoning me day month and season
...Seemed full unreason
...You're my beacon

(c) 2024 Kyrinn S. Eis  All Rights Reserved Worldswide

[Music][DCD] Jaguar Chases Birds, Catches, Bites the Moon; Whiskers Wetted in the Pool; The Moon Still Smiles

Song of the Stars
Dead Can Dance

Indus, is pretty, too.
The feeling I get starting about [6:00 and specifically{6:42}] is like being liberated from my fleshly prison to return to the light.

Hey, Gorgeous,

Sight for Sore Eyes