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Thursday, August 15, 2024

For You, My Love:

(C) 2024 Kyrinn S. Eis
All Rights Reserved

Love you,

Gargantua Speaks

Major Arcana XV
(C) 2024 Kyrinn S. Eis
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

I've never been in a maze like this
like this...
Even ever-turning to the Left
my string went slack
on the other side

Breadcrumbs, left behind
fair offerings made by those
who when sight of you
graced their eyes
died, in here

I survive.


I've never been in a maze like this
like this.

Two decades of codes, not hieroglyphs
it's true, but still, my Love,
Not even a mistress whom you miss

like this

I've never been in a maze like this
like this
like this

Fruit of the god, ambrosial delight
Red top on white
Background bright
-- Glitch
A voice calling from the Otherworld

like this
like this

I've never been in a maze like this
like this
like this

Wash rinse repeat, hold
like this

like this

I've never been in a maze like this

Sweet kiss
