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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

First Installment in the, Building an AULDGORY Character, series-

Newest AnchorFM Podcast LINK

(C) 2019, 2022 Kyrinn S. Eis, All Rights Reserved

Building an AULDGORY Character
:: _0: Starry Empire or Other?

07 Terran Old Republic Loyalist

06 Terran Easterner non-Citizen

05 Starfolk-Adopted Terran Janissary

04 Halfblood Starfolk-Terran Scion

03 Halfblood Starfolk-Terran Bastard

02 Barbarian Born Banner Ranks

01 Barbarian Born Exchange Officer

_0 Outlier     Born Guide/Translator

I am encouraging all who listen to this podcast series to leave voicemail feedback, ask systems or settings questions, and if the feature doesn't work, please let me know here.


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

About, AULDGORY: World of the Churn -- Scripted Podcast Special Allergy Edition

 Link to the AnchorFM Podcast

Script 001-

 o I have a terrible Allergy thing going on, so here's hoping you can stand my voice

 o I've written this script to try and stay on target with the topic of the cast

 o Auldgory: World of the Churn

 o My latest RPG, this being the first o use the ARGUS2 System; I had created the

ARGUS System -- originally code-named: Daedalists & Distraint, and ran more than a few

sessions over Google Hangouts

 o This time around, I have attempted to pay homage to the game systems I most like

and haven't yet written for: namely, Harnmaster, BRP, and Palladium Fantasy RPG R1e

 o There may be a bit of Chivalry & Sorcery and Gamma World as well as a dash of

Car Wars, too.  Ooh, and Behind Enemy Lines, The Companions' Edition (Red Box)

 o Setting-wise: Hmm.  This is much trickier...

 o As far as influential games and play-style: Gamma World, Boot Hill, RuneQuest,

Dark Heresy, and the Companions' edition of Behind Enemy Lines (Red Box).

 o AULDGORY's default gameplay is a theme campaign: the theme is: you are all

playing characters whose families strove hard to ensure that you were able to enter

a prestigious army company at age 07 serving as a Page.  By age 15 you had gradu-

ated to serve as a Squire, and for those of you who are playing characters who are

older than that, you have already been initiated into your Company Mascot Cult.

 o You have different options regarding your combat role, and togetehr we need to

determine your Company and its Focus, your Theatre of Operations, and your initial

interests: sights to see, foes to fight, terrain to trek, and Lodges to league.

 o if you do not allocate Blessings towards your Combat Role, you will default to

that of Combat Rifleman.

 o One way to have a more well-rounded character is to play a member fo a Barbarian

or Outlier Culture who ended up in the Banner Ranks of the Starry Empire, where you

all serve the Republic of the Starry Empire, blessed and protected by Lybrti herself.

 o Ancient Auldgoryan bloodlines exist now largely in Barbarian and Outlier Cultures

across the continent, but some remained civilised, both in the East as well as the


 o The West Wards are operated by natural resource or rail barons, while the

East is the seat of the Starry Empire, and home to the Great Green Goddess, Lybrti.

 o Barbarian or Outlier Cultures are stereotyped as being influenced by one or a few

core truths of the tribe, elements from pre-'Rival invasion of Terra, and these

truths are not only held to be self-evident, but form the social structure of belief

and correct/virtuous action.  A tribe who revere the Auldgoryan Eagle and follow the

streamer of colours which trail the Eagle-like Spirit of Lybrti as is surveys the land.

 o Living in the East, much is as any typical depiction of the early USA of the 19th

century, while still owing to the style, propriety, and honour of the late 18th century

(TURN: Washinton's Spies, Sons of Liberty, Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle, Ginger Snaps

Back, Strange Empire, Wild Wild West, Have Gun Will Travel, and so many others).

 o The great Conflict is the stalled War of Unification in the Lashan Mountain Range.

 o The Lashan Hillfolk are not the problem, but the Black Candle Rebels who meet atop

hilltops with their aluminium poles, horizontal mirrors topped by black candles, and

their eager eyes searching the night sky for the black winged things which bring

alien biotech weapons with which to fight the Banner Ranks to a standstill.  These

Starfiends are but the least servitors of the Voidbrood from outside timespace.

 o The far more mundane alien-Kladraed of the 'Rivals (Arrivals) number among the

  :: Moorwraith -- Semi-corporeal multi-dimensional magical beings whose aims are almost

entirely unknown by even the best-informed strategic minds in Hermasona, Ashing.

  :: The Sleeth -- Serpentbodied from the abdomen down, these beings are seemingly unknowable in their outlook, much less their aims for Auldgory and its people.

  :: Xidat -- remnants of a manifold-ancient people transformed by The Burn of the prior World Age (my Porphyry: World of The Burn product in print and pdf) now looking for how best survive this World Age.

  :: Who or what are the Wastelanders?  How best to deal with their relentless attempts to alter, first Auldgory, and later, all of Terra/Newurld, via their Firebloom?  The plant seems to feed off the power of the Wasteland, and each year, more Terran-stock plants and animals are mutated by the change that the Firebloom brings.  But, it is perhaps the way that all Kladraed, Human and Alien, Native and 'Rival, are warped, and transformed into Wastelanders via exposure to the plant or the phantasmal Twister.

 o There are a few other ways to enter play, but, as stated before, service in the

Banner Ranks is the default:

 :: Barbarian or Outlier Guides

 :: Scions of Republic Citizens who have, until recently, managed to avoid all official public service; upon Majority, aged 21, you were drafted to fight in the Lashan Theatre, and if you aren't lucky, in the Western Campaign where resistance is strongest, and Voidbrood aid to the Black Candle Rebels, the most horrific.

 :: A Foreign (Human?) Ally of the Starry Empire

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Eleven Questions & Answers: Creator Spotlight: James Mishler

 Q1: When did you begin your RPG hobby, and were you into something adjacent prior to picking up your first RPG?

A1: I started with the Moldvay Basic D&D Set, which I received for Christmas 1982, so it has been 40 years now. I was into all sorts of fantasy as a child; I'd read The Hobbit in 2nd grade, and read all sorts of fantasy as I could get my hands on it. I had posters of dragons and stuff. I'd tried to pick up D&D before that, but my parents didn't like the imagery from Eldritch Wizardry, and so it wasn't until they found the much-more innocent looking Basic set that they got it for me. And then, of course, I was hooked

Q2: What was it like where you were first playing?  Were their negative attitudes connected with D&D and other RPGS in your personal experience?

A2: My parents had no problem with it, and my schools had no problem with it -- there were D&D clubs in middle and high school. But then there was the D&D Panic, which finally made its way to my hometown later in the phase, and our high school club got cancelled because some preacher convinced the principal it was Satanic. Very sad. Other than that, of course, at the time in my youth, D&D was a "nerds-only" activity, with all that entailed for the early to mid-80s.

Q3: Where do you rank, 'The Empire Strikes Back', in the Star Wars film category?

A3: #1. Best fights, best story development, best character development, best "world" development, best all around.

Q4: Which was your fave Indiana Jones movie?

A4: Raiders of the Lost Ark -- the first and still the best. The Last Crusade is a close second, Temple of Doom a distant third, and Crystal Skull... meh.

Q5: Which non-D&D-like RPGs do you enjoy?  Do you wish you could produce more content for that/them?

A5: Not including the various D&D clones and such related games, top of the list would be RuneQuest/Call of Cthulhu, Cryptworld (Pacesetter System in general), Lejendary Adventure, Dangerous Journeys: Mythus, the old Middle-earth Role-Playing System, Lords of Creation, WEG d6 Star Wars... mostly old school stuff. I've not played many of the "modern" games, though I am really enjoying Blades in the Dark.

Q6: Do you prefer Polyhedral dice systems over ones which use d6s exclusively?

A6: It all depends on the system and the genre. I still think the d6 system used by WEG for Star Wars was the BEST possible system for that setting. It really fit the galaxy, so to speak, in a way that the d20 system and the full range of polyhedrals never did. The basic percentile system worked great for FASA Star Trek. I think D&D could work well with just d6s, modeled after Chainmail (the WEG d6 System just would not work for the D&D style), but then, part of the D&D experience is using that full range of polyhedrals. I can't imagine DCC without all the additional intermediate polyhedrals.

Q7: Do you have a fave fantasy TV series (Robin Hood, Atlantis, Magicians, etc.)?

A7: I am a fan of the old classic animated series from the 80s, such as BlackStar, He-Man, Thundercats, etc., as well as modern takes on that style, such as Samurai Jack. Live action fantasy TV often just does not work for me, especially when it is too "self-informed". I enjoyed the old British Robin of Sherwood series (Michael Praed, before Jason Connery). I liked the first season of Once Upon a Time.

Q8: Did you see the Jason Momoa Conan movie?  What did you think of it?

A8: Saw it when it first came out in theaters. Thought Momoa was almost perfect as Conan, but stuck with a crap script. It was obvious that the writers knew nothing about Howard's Conan or the Hyborian world; they changed it to some genericized fantasy setting that did not even make internally consistent sense. An unfortunate misfire.

Q9: Do you also enjoy Sci-Fi or other genres in gaming and media?

A9: Yes, I am a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek, in all media. Loved the WEG d6 Star Wars; enjoyed the FASA Star Trek RPG. Love Gamma World in most of its incarnations. Played the hell out of Star Frontiers years ago. Played a lot of the original Marvel Super-Heroes RPG from TSR. I like weird fantasy, science-fantasy, and horror genres, when the game works well; I love kitchen-sink campaign concepts, like TORG, though the system for that game just didn't work for me.

Q10: If you could produce RPG material for any game, past, present, or future, which game and what would you produce?

A10: Tops of course would be the Wilderlands, but that would require winning a lottery and buying out the current owners. I'd release the core material as System Neutral with support books for various game systems. I'd also like to see Gary Gygax's Lejendary Adventure get another fair shot, but that is another whole can of worms.

I have my own fantasy RPG in the works, in fits and starts and rebuilds. We'll see how that turns out...

Q11: Do you have any questions for me or Alternate Reality Games?

What is the status on Urutsk? Is it still in the works? Are you still running games?

Thanks for the interview!


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