There are times when a really special piece is crafted on a first attempt; this is one such:
The prompt is a portion of text from the second book.
A blog for The Urutsk Cycle and Related Subjects, including the URUTSK: World of Mystery RPG.
There are times when a really special piece is crafted on a first attempt; this is one such:
The prompt is a portion of text from the second book.
(C) 2004, 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved
A poem about Lthrus X'a
All in the moulden gloom
Full stealthily we glide;
For all our oars, with practised skill
By armoured arms are plied,
While silent hands do speak long sentence
Of our incursion thus to guide.
Ah, sweet Three! In such an hour,
Beneath the silvery moons,
To beg command of breath to still
My agents of ready doom.
Yet what can one commander do
Against three weaving looms?
Insidious Alvia rushes forth
Her gesture, "Let's begin it!"
In subtler signs Vekundra notes
"There'll be bloodshed in it!"
Wise Terizha adds naught to tell
But dashes forth to win it.
Anon, to sudden screaming won,
In frenzy they pursue
The traitor-kin moving through a land
Of dangers odd and new,
In friendly chat with brute and thief--
And dark-sired ties renewed.
And ever, as the veins drained
The wells of living dry,
And faintly strove the wounded ones
To pull their broken bodies by,
'To rest for a while, to regain my breath...'
The dying voices cry.
Thus the tales of sanguine deeds did run
Thus slowly, drop by drop,
Many throbbing brains were hammered out--
And now those lives are done,
And home we row, a merry band,
Before the rising sun.
Lthrus... A waking dream did take,
And with strangler's hand,
Pried it from where Childhood's fears were mired
In Memory's shifting sand.
Like the villans' withered sheathes in pallor
Cured in that arid land.
A boat beneath the fading sky,
Meandering onward dreamily
In an evening fleet and spry--
Killers three nestled near
Lifeless eye; unhearing ear
Upon a current bourn here--
Long has dawned the fiery sky
Glories fade and flesh does fry
Thus three killers in a boat arrived
Still she haunts me, shadow-wise,
Lthrus stalking under skies
Never seen by sane men's eyes.
A killer yet, her tale to bear,
With anxious eye and priq'd-up ear
Watchingly I shall settle near.
In wonderment -- the fourth -- I die,
Dying as the moons fly by,
Dying as my lovers' cry:
Ever drifting down in scream--
Lingering in the silver gleam--
My life, what was it but a dream?
"Shards, wake to my voice, my blade."
A red warmth twined Harren's body from soles to crown, and a black chill nibbled his bones and whispered a wicked hush into his ears.
-- "My beloved Harren. This our first dialogue, a milestone; let it not be our last, love.
-- "How may I serve thee, master?"
Green Ruins & Shallow Blues
(C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved
I'm writing Book Two on my sister's tablet after the doors are locked, and handwriting in the hours prior, as well. I send myself the updated Word file and then snap photos of my handwritten portions. Weird workflow, but such is life.
From The Ninth Gate
Baroness Kessler:
My latest work: "The Devil: History and Myth" - a kind of biography. It will be published early next year.
Dean Corso:
Why the devil?
Baroness Kessler:
I saw him one day. I was fifteen years old, and I saw him as plain as I see you now. It was love at first sight.
Dean Corso:
You know, 300 years ago, you'd have been burned at the stake for saying something like that.
Baroness Kessler:
300 years ago I wouldn't have said it!
One of those rare times I'm listening to something other than WitchHouse while writing. This is a recurring Sunday memory of mine when my father used to play records on the old hi-fi media cabinet, and later, component system. Serge Gainsbourg and Georges Moustaki. This is my favourite Moustaki, as it is also one we listened to in Brazilian Portuguese, also a Sunday sound.
Les eaux de Mars
The Waters of March
Got some of my frustration off my chest airing it to my sister and brother in law about the change from car and work to hoofing it to bus and work while ill and not enough food and so forth. Steps are being enacted to resolve those things which can be solved or ameliorated. Feels better giving them voice.
I'm already writing the second book while wrapping up the first, revisiting parts from other characters PoVs and tying up loose ends. The second book structure is proving fun with three mirrors.
The 4th floor is under construction at work, and it has a lot of spook-appeal. Open spaces are no cakewalk in exploration and make each blind turn that much more unnerving than the slog of turn after turn. Big dark empty spaces with eerie little lights can definitely conjure many unsettling thoughts. Heheh!
The Centre of the World
(C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis
Here at the center, the center of the world:
Darkness oppresses, fumes choke and yet
its the pressure, the heat and fire of it all
which really gets one down, here in the center
of the world; I went where they sent me,
where you all can follow for all I care
this river of dirt and fire
at the bottom of the stair
Other centers die in gyre, do not hold
indeed cannot hold, and yet,
behold the dirt and fire
at the center of the world.
Happy Humpday
Excerpted from my novel, UNDONE
(C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved
Then came the Captain's order, ~$"Select-fire. Target Neck, on one. Three-two..."$~
Carthy fired at the Rexsaur's neck as a second fireball not but three yards from him, but on the other side of an embankment, lit-up the creature as well. Without hesitation, the Swaglod opened fire on their positions and the Dragora disappeared from Carthy's view. Carthy hugged the top of the rocky ridge that separated him from the Captain and he pulled three additional salvos on the Rexsaur which was now on its knees, clutching its throat. A laser pulse shattered stone not six Inches from Carthy, and the adrenaline coursed in greater release through his already primed system. Marcher stood and backpedaled as he fired multiple salvos; once his legs contacted the embankment, he threw himself backwards and displaced buckets-full of water as he landed awkwardly. Carthy's distraction at that nearly cost him his life as a Swaglod bayonet almost impaled his face. Batting the blade away with terribly swift determination, Carthy hit his purpose-built panic button on his e-suit rig. The Swaglod's finned crest rose atop its head, and Carthy saw that it planned on blinding him with its black spit; he rolled to his right, closer to the Captain, and as he did so, drew his threat-snub from his chest holster, and fired point-blank into the Wetlander's fleshy snout. The magnum cartridge alone would have been lethal at this range, but the defensive ammo tore through the soft tissue of the Swaglod's head as if it were a marsh melon. The amphibian's body crashed down upon him and Carthy was pinned even as he was heaving from the wretched stink-glands' contents pouring over and nearly drowning him. Carthy heard more firearms blasts, nearing, and then suddenly, the Swaglod was off of him. The Captain, bloody and squinting, shouted at him to get up and fight. Carthy nodded and did his best to stop vomiting even as he hip-fired the carbine. Swaglod troops fired on the run towards them. Dragora darted about in zig-zag manouvres that defied the imagination. Another Rexsaur approached, and this one was priming a rotorcannon. Carthy looked at Marcher. The other man's left eye was possibly missing, and he had numerous lacerations and avulsions over his face, neck, and hands. The Captain shouted something to Carthy, left hand out and open towards him. Carthy reached out to shake Marcher's hand goodbye, but the other man instead turned Carthy by the shoulder and stripped a magazine from his belt pouch.
"Fall back! Fall back for flak's sake, Carthy!"
Belltower of Blackfell
(C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved
World of Randev: City of the Tree -- Lilitu and Her Rose Shield Knight
(C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved
Images derived from lyrics to AI images
Lyrics (C) 2023 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved
Fine Feathered Friend
(Seabird Seeking)