A blog for The Urutsk Cycle and Related Subjects, including the URUTSK: World of Mystery RPG.
Shipwrecked survivors of a galaxy-spanning empire (ruined when the core exploded) settle upon a wetlands world occupied by humans and other species. They then poke through ruins of their Ancient ancestors as they strive to regain space and then, starflight.
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Tuesday, December 31, 2024
New Year's Eve
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Ever burning wick with the oil preserved, still kindled in golden licks, -- flickered, perhaps, -- but no other light in the darkness shines as bright, my love, as the fire in your eyes,
Monday, December 23, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Friday, December 20, 2024
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Monday, December 9, 2024
Sunday, December 8, 2024
As I listen to music on my external drive, it somehow lost all its metadata: name, track number, artist, etc. Everything is listed as the same track, which makes everything a surprise. Everything is just so weird in my life at the moment.
Bandcamp has come through, and I'm able to play your albums and EPs.
Love you Midnight,
Friday, December 6, 2024
New Social Media Account
I had quit twitter a long time ago, and couldn't escape from X-prison, so I created a Bluesky account.
Everything is still up in the air in my life, so Bluesky is a humorous nod.
The flurries we had here were pretty. I shot some video; I'll see about uploading it.
Okay, don't be a stranger,
Friday, November 29, 2024
My situation is still unresolved, but I'm able to use my phone because a friend from Jacksonville reached out and paid to have it reconnected.
The laptop I bought in Old Hickory was some weird Cloud-based model and since I had to drop Microsoft's service, I can't let it connect to WiFi without losing access to my files, or something like that.
Chapter 48 of Book II is what I am working on.
My enjoyment of guitar continues to climb, and I'm forever grateful to you for that, Midnight.
Just thought that I ought to keep you up to date.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Friday, November 22, 2024
I may be homeless, but how soon remains to be seen.
My access to the web is now in question, so I may only be reachable via e-mail, Facebook, and a new MeWe account: KyrinnSEis07.59.
My phone is not longer able to send or receive, and it looks as though Google Voice is either sunset, or I can't get it to work.
Hoping to survive winter, perhaps rejoin the human race, but if you folks don't hear from me again, it has been a nice time with you all, and wonderful with some of you.
Midnight, know that I love you.
I'll do what I can to update.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
I remember very clearly that you recommended I not seek to become involved with Labels and so forth; I also remember you asking if I intended to be a touring act. I -- well, I still remember all of our talks, in video detail, and would still love to learn songwriting with you.
Now, you never promised to teach me Salutations, your smile sweet-sad, your head declined, but I still am slain each time I hear those last few notes low on the neck.
12 string.
Here is a video describing the contemporary problem with Labels.
I love you,
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Saturday, November 16, 2024
When, in the rain of hushed words like leaves
Swirls through my ears
It is not the cold which I feel for thee
But rather, the love shared
When on my feet to market go I
and my heart beats
It is not weariness which I feel
but, indeed, memories sweet
Upon return, up stairs retire
I think of nights unfulfilled
and passion's fire
You. Justly and true.
You, My Lovely Moon
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Come and See
Stars Most Sinister
Novelette of the GREEN RUINS & SHALLOW BLUES series out NOW on my Patreon.
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
I have been mulling how best to express my beliefs apart from clunky mis-matched tidbits of different religions and traditions, and this statement is currently my best efforts:
In this belief system, creation exists within a Cosmic Box—a sacred space within the mind of a supreme, ineffable God. This God is both dreadfully powerful and compassionate.
...it is a work in progress. 11.7.'24:4:13pm
Does this help, my Love?
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Not A Deathnote
I was fortunate enough to have found an extension to my living in my apartment as I search for work, because MA. laws side with renters to remain sheltered rather than turned out onto the streets.
My search for work has been hampered by computer and internet issues, and this may be among the few posts which I am able to post (duration unknown).
In preparation for my possible homelessness, I have made contact with Rosie's Place shelter and hope to avoid homelessness entirely.
In that light, here is a piece from earlier.
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Saturday, October 19, 2024
of Your Gorgeous Smile and
Personal and Stylistic Beauty
& that you are Wonderfully Photogenic
You are Fascinating in your Interviews
in which I can hear your Lovely Voice speaking
I also adore your Instrumental and Lyrical Skill
You, my dear, have the Chops and
have: Paid Your Dues
& Logged the Tour Miles
All of that does not even touch upon how Multitalented
You are,
But one thing I haven't mentioned yet:
I Love you because you are you, darling Marissa
Friday, October 18, 2024
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Friday, October 11, 2024
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Monday, October 7, 2024
Friday, October 4, 2024
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Monday, September 23, 2024
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Happy Autumn Equinox!
Shall then owls hoot in the night when goblins wearing awesome clothes do tramp and trundle through the lights of oncoming streets oppose?
Shall all gourds then be coloured orange and with fires within them their eyes to glow?
Or shall marshmallows and mushrooms with partners dance with yeast rolls round that noble bird once more?
Which day at last calls a cease to the end of Summer's heat, and bids promise of candied teats, and given thankful feasts suppose?
Friday, September 20, 2024
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Monday, September 16, 2024
Sunday, September 15, 2024
[Fiction] [Excerpt] [GR&SB] [Book II]
Green Ruins & Shallow Blues
(C) 2024 Kyrinn S. Eis
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Sasko snorted himself awake.
The slate-grey room was further purpled by darkness slashed by almost Avistran-bright moonlight. Sasko stumbled to his feet and groggily staggered to the near wall and wandered along it to the window. The city was a crater the size of the world, and he a crawlie on a tiny pebble near some blades of grass.
Alnavranath had city-sized parks, preserves where food animals were ranched. Most were part of corporate holdings and each sector had its own colour-code and -shape designation which one could use to quickly conceive of wherein one was. They were in Faerytale Lake District's, Ancient Blue Hush. Their tenement was removed from the nearest street by hundreds of paces, Marks by local nomenclature.
Sasko scratched his sack and smelled his fingers, soured his expression, and wiped those fingers on his housecoat. The foxhounds patrolled and along with them hovered a night-vision equipped bot. It sought out the sneak-thieves which robbed and when able, life-stole and absconded with residents -- especially pets, children, and the elderly and infirmed. Everyone knew that when their day came, loved or not, their chair or bed would be left out in the evening air, and that was that...
"Come back to bed, Sasko. We'll make it out of this mess, you'll see. Our luck will turn around come tomorrow-sun."
But Mawzer wasn't in his bed, and she likely never would be.
He was -- they were in over their heads. How had he managed to turn the screws on them? It had been theirs, held, in their stash, and then it -- the entire shipment -- had been stolen. Almost nothing else had been taken -- it made no sense. Something had been bothering him about that, but the more he'd asked Zandig, the more upset at him she had grown. Three days ago, she had simply left.
Sounds outside his door found his hand on his blaster and the belt draped over his neck and shoulder as he hovered by the open window. Ten Paces down -- Marks, whatever they were; -- too much. The door knob rattled and a zip was slowly undone. Sasko peered left and right, and then stepped through.
The door was opened and Kwaith strode-in with the T47 extended, and fired tandem, slow, red-hot bolts into the bed which immediately started a fire as they languidly struck and spalled along the tile floor and spattered up the walls nearest their offset impacts. The thousands of embers were still cherry red, and an occasional orange or amber brightness would be enkindled by the breeze, but this would dull them darker than those unkissed by the black air of night.
Next in was Melkhwn and his darling daughter; her saliva-slicked chin and crazed eyes immediately warned one off of her helplessness. Her soft, combed whoollen coat was so emblematically red in Sasko's mind, and as had become the thought he had when Sask' heard the word. Empress was a horror turned dread.
"He's here." She sniffed at the air, and the saliva grew slicker.
-- "Sasko, you Flack! Where's my product? Huh?!"
Empress smiled at her brother's stupidity; she rotated in place at the hip, her hands thrust into her deep pockets; her stare absent the present, and down roads afar; her smile intensified at the imagined future she saw.
--- "I don't see 'im, Boss."
Kwaith neared, occluded Empress. Sasko fired; Kwaith died.
^Don't panic.
-- Right.
Before the crumple of local gravity could shrink, let alone topple Kwaith, Empress was on the move towards him; her jaw open wide; and fire in her eyes. Sasko leaned ever so slightly to his right and fired a long pulse -- he'd rigged it, it was dicey -- and the neon-bright plasma crackled and began to expand and decollimate -- it grew fuzzy and diffuse; Empress' hair ignited as it passed nearby, needle thin, threadlike dissipation of the charge reached out towards her form, but its ionised path had already been lain in the precursor-pulse which had struck Melkhwn and bade welcome the full discharge of the remnant electricity of the streamer. Its impact was perhaps no greater than a thrown stone, but that was only the shockwave of the collimated collapse. The discharge skated across his keristeel superstrate vest until the ions ground-out into his neck which blackened and crackled like the blistered meat it was,
-- "Augh!"
Empress only then realised that Sasko, while afraid, was not surprised at her tackle off the ledge. As they fell forward under her animal speed, she looked with cool appreciation at the scoundrel's ploy. Then, that look only a girl can give, appeared, and she kicked him away from her. The countermass did little to boost her; -=gravity=-; but Sasko found himself crashed into Blue Whisper staves which did much to resist his arrival into them, and but for perhaps a few cracked stalks, his momentum was neutralised and he fell back slightly to land on his arse.
"You -- you?"
Sasko nodded as he back-peddled on the wet grass. He felt for a broken stalk of Blue Whisper, but found only the needle-sharp points of the bud-staves and cussed for its pain.
"What a fool. You're the type of guy who thinks love is real; it's not, dummy! I'm just a girl, like half your age, and I already know that; how dumb do you have to be to --"
Her brains exploded out her ear and nose opposite Mawzer's blaster pulse, the crack still echoed off the building, rattled glass.
-- "Well, smartipants, there's a lot of ways to love; like saving someone's life, ...again."
Sasko looked up, and sighed explosive joy; pulled his stained crotch from his groin and stood on wobbled knees,
--- "Zandig!"
She rolled her eyes and opened to the inevitable embrace; she didn't know why they needed to do that, but she almost didn't mind...at least with Sask'.
-- "Yeah. Let's..."
Empress stirred as her brains knit back together one dendritic structure at a time.
Zandig shot her a few more times just to give them lead-time.
"Of course I stole it, you moron. Hesperis!"
Sasko was downfallen and scuffed the toe of his boot into the wet earth,
-- "Why didn't you tell me you needed to move it?"
Mawzer was flummoxed by a perfectly otherwise sensible sap not grokking her more fluid morals and even dodgier accounting skills,
"You know I'm only good with the money when it's in motion..."
He did, and nodded,
-- "A lotta' hoods are like da -- that." he shrugged, still hurt -- nursed his stupid soft heart, sniffed and looked aside as he casually wiped his face on his orange and yellow jacket sleeve.
Mawzer again rolled her eyes, and again sighed, and then socked him in the shoulder until he laughed and told her to stop; and a few punches later, she did.
She did love him, he knew it.
Zandig sighed a frown; the boy was more trouble than he was worth... but something about him seemed lucky. The smart play was to token him and play her cards close to her vest; the lad was just a kid to her centuries -- she couldn't just roll him and leave him defenceless. She'd show him the ropes, and then cut him loose. Yeah...
Empress heard grassy footfalls receded in the distance, and then the creak of the hulk's suspension on the gravplate; she smiled inwardly, but her lips and tongue twitched spasmodically as her addled brain grew more chaotic for the random healing she experienced. Something within her knew who she was and always reminded her even when her own brain betrayed -- her.
Beneath her a black beetle struggled through the roots and rocks and centuries tamped earth which had flooded the spillway nearly a millennium earlier. As it neared the humus she began to sit up in her wildly inaccurate gesticulated limb movements. Her wet, soft, ultra-combed whoollen coat, redder than red, confined her wilder flails until the beetle had found its way onto her shoulder. It split open its chitinous carapace, and for the first time, aired its wet wings with a series of pulsed buzzes. Empress looked on at it as faint red within strobed stronger with each pulse from the thing in gossamer and stronger lines of lumen spread throughout.
...and then! It was off into the night...
She marvelled anew at the stars overhead, and lay back with a few errant jolts.
Empress smiled, and cried.
It was all so beautiful.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Friday, September 13, 2024
Thursday, September 12, 2024
[GR&SB] [Miscellany]
A videc presentation was made to a character, and at the end, I used this to illustrate how Info-synergistic the Empire's reach is:
:: -=[Credentials: -=[ {i:!_;'I}|.[::-ii'.]=l("|'.l!) ]=-
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Revised for Right-Handers
I have re-tuned my guitar; five semitones, to ADGCEA for those of the right-handed persuasion, and everything sounds so much mellower and more ambient rather than before.