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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

[Milieu][RPG] The Khem- (Ethnicity)

(c) Copyright 2000, 2008, 2009 Kyrinn S. Eis All Rights Reserved

Description: Khem are a tallish, wiry people; female Khem stand around five feet four inches tall and typically weigh around 130 pounds, while males are perhaps 5" taller and weighing 160 pounds. Their long red hair tends toward red-brown or strawberry-red, but turns grey or silver with age. They have a pale complexion, and most have green eyes. Khem have a lithe, wiry build. They are adroit and cunning, with the ability to adapt to virtually any sort of social/work environment, so long as their Yirinn neighbours provide the model for them to copy.
Khem are typically apart, cunning, and quick-witted & -tempered. Culturally they are Epicurian, enjoying the good life with much wine and dancing. They are also suspicious of outsiders, and possessive of their ways to an ultimate end, if deemed necessary. Provided they live so long, they have a biological lifespan of roughly one century.

Restrictions: They are required to have a minimum Dex and Chr of 11.

Special Abilities: Khem have a unique adaptive ability that grants them a (Int or Wis + Cha + Exp) point pool which functions in all regards as Focus.

Critical Tests: Khem save at +1 vs. Lifeforce (Death Ray), Experience (Petrification), and Control (Spells).
1,300 XP

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