With players out of town, I had the pleasure and honour to run for the FLGS owner's younger son, playing a Half-Elven Wizard 0 / Ranger 4 (Archer, Hunter, v. Horde). He had been handed the character sheet by one of the other gamers at eh store some time ago, and I updated his HP and corrected a few other bits. We went with the concept that rather than going into Wizard after 4 levels of Ranger, Dave, yes, Dave, had been the apprentice of a Human Wizard in a remote two-storey round tower. The woods around this tower included old Elven ruins, but the Wizard had warned Dave off exploring them, as they were not the same sort of Elves as his people.
Years after the Wizard's death at the hands of Humanoids (Goblinoids?), Dave was back in the are and decided to investigate. Stealthing in, he found evidence of recent activity, but made his way up to the crenelated top before returning to the 2nd storey. Investigating a magical doorway to the ruins (at ground level), Dave was ambushed by a lone goblin with a short sabre. The slash only did 1 HP, and Dave, thinking quickly, used Minor illusionof a female Goblin to distract the Gob, then had him on the ground with a called shot to the foot; the Gob was fully crippled and called out for help. Dave preemptively Ray of Frosted through the doorway, and the Gobs in the ruins failed their Morale, leaving the crippled one to his fate. Dave decided to spare the Gob and strapped him to his backpack and quickly left the tower.
Moving towards his Ranger Tower camp, the pair encountered an Owlbear at about 75 feet distance, and tried to sneak around it, but failed. Dave ran and began climbing up a thin tree but was followed up by the Owlbear who only narrowly missed him due to a poor climb roll. The next round Dave attacked with firebolt and scared it off.
Making his way to the Ranger Tower, the Gob was handed over for interrogation. I mentioned as Dave bedded down for the night that a blinking light had recently begun to cross the sky several times each night, and that the older Rangers started talking about the return of the Offworlders. The next day, Dave was ordered to investigate a site where something fell from the sky; he requested two other Rangers accompany him, but received only one, ...Bill. Bill and Dave made their way for hours and then encountered a series of strange lights, sounds, and saw something like white smog roiling out of the forest clearing ahead. Nearing cautiously, they saw that the ground was vibrating so powerfully that debris and sand were floating and writhing around, creating the smog-like effect; the strange sounds and lights were tied to this.
A blog for The Urutsk Cycle and Related Subjects, including the URUTSK: World of Mystery RPG.
Shipwrecked survivors of a galaxy-spanning empire (ruined when the core exploded) settle upon a wetlands world occupied by humans and other species. They then poke through ruins of their Ancient ancestors as they strive to regain space and then, starflight.
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Sunday, December 28, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
How to think of your Imperial Caste Clan backgrounds-
We've lost a player (the Shadow Paladin in both Saturday and Sunday games) to a move out of state.
Here is a nice article explaining how supercompetent personnel can cooperate to achieve amazing things =---> LINK <--- p="">
Here is a nice article explaining how supercompetent personnel can cooperate to achieve amazing things =---> LINK <--- p="">
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Saturday 13th December
There is a scene where the Tiefling Warlock's gilla monster familiar was sent through a cracked portal showing an actual space scene with planets and starships.
Knitting together the broken portals of their entry into the Hereafter, the warlock was given the stakes of making several lower DC attempts, but chose to shoot higher and failed. As things started to fall apart, the Dust star they had stolen from the sphere shattered, acting as a fuse/circuit breaker. The ship, the view outside, and even the PCs changed appearance.
The colouration changes were most profound for the Black Dragonborn who became Ivory-fleshed, Red-scalled, and gained a Green and a Blue eye; additionally, rebooted with gills and fangs. The other big changes were the Tiefling now with Lilly skin, Golden hair and Amber eyes, and the low-tech Human fighter, with white skin and hair, and black eyes.
Answering a hail from four or five different ship sources, the party learn that they are invited (with the others) of meeting at a city of gazebos by the Ancients of this world, fifteen times larger than earth. The world is beautiful and complex, majestic versions of the various earth zones/terrain, and others besides. Meeting the other space travellers:
1). Humans in war-torn battle gear, smelling of pollution, describing their world as having been invaded and now ruined, with nuclear, biological, chemical, and dimensional fallout making life hard as well as the continued presence of the aliens.
2). Trek-types trying to be pragmatically reasonable and succeeding in being moralistic.
3). Necros-types from Unreal Tournament becoming friendly with the Polluted (1).
4). Primal elemental being s with very low opinions of biological life forms wanting to return Natural Order to the world if inhabited by 'monkeys'.
5). Mantis folk who profess to act as biological librarians, preserving species and bloodlines; suspected by the Fighter of being ranchers of delicious rarities. These offer the lone gnome a heritage and after his agreement, punch biopsy and dope him with mind control virus which he fails to Con-save out of, but succeeds in Int-saving his retaining self control and awareness of the effect. His accusation of foul play results int eh mantis' retreating and leaving on hover or grav vehicles back to their craft.
Meanwhile, the totally avaricious Warlock of course answers an outsider's call to contract with it to build a gateway onto the world; and she, of course, does so.
We held it there.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Catching Up on Saturdays
Catching Up...
Nov. 08th). Waking up in the chromed DHL van alien spaceship with psychic interface, the PCs quickly dispatch an Undead Abberation Cyborg and regain control of their ship. They see that robots are dismantling other ships in a larger hangar and they fight a power suppression effect to get off the ground and are successful. Mayhem and dstruction results in the undoing of the ceiling of the hangar anf the collapse of the upper tower's ground floor. Among those falling to crtain doom is the new PC, Richard, a single-classed Fighter from a typical Fantasy world, providing body guarding to a winged serpent who paid him in meat. Richard's sword allows him to Teleport short distances based upon his current (HP) total, and he is also Telepathic modelled after the Awakened Mind of the GOO Warlock pact feature. Caught in the cargo-bay ramp of a teal Shark-shaped ship piloted by another new PC (a Dragonborn), Richard was saved. Warren, the Gnome with the horseshoe ship was in communication with a small fleet of ships who had reprsentatives of their crew captured in the twin tower graveyard facility. With Warren's presence, they aliens decided to attack the facility and contributed to the place's destruction in a hail of energy beams and missile attacks. The DHL and Shark-shaped ship escape and dock with the horseshoe. A Shadow Gate was used to enter Elementral Shadow and the group Long-Rested there while a few PCs upped their powers and connection to Lord Shadow.
Nov. 15th). Dragonspace is full of life forms which resemble sea life, including coral, medusa, and algae or bacterial clouds. Flying through this portion of the Realm brings the ship in contact with increasingly more complex reptiloid forms, as if a lifecycle were represented, culminating in more and more draconic forms. Eventually the Party's sensors detect pulses of light and increases in heat and turbulence ahead. As the waves wash over the ship, it is postulated that there may be an audio component to the waves: struth: 'Welcome, interlopers. It has been so long since last I took humanoid form. Please meet me for tea at ___ location.' The PCs agree this is likely a dragon, and decide instead to turn around rather than press on to the Space Gate located further. Not given the opportunity, dragonoids (including egg-shaped craft) attack. They destroy them, and then the red dragon attacks, nearly destroying them, but lets them live with a broken gnome ship. This is makeshift-repaired and then repaired at a trading post.
Nov. 22nd). Red light district action in the previous adventure and this one leads to a map and a mission to deal with mineral rights in an 'asteroid' cluster owned by various dragon interests and occupied in part by stone giants. This leads to a deal with the giants in exchange for formal relations with the black dragon syndicate in question. The ore the patron wanted is delivered and the map is handed over. The shadow paladin has now added 1 level of warlock (Lord Shadow), and the group plans to enter the dragonbone highway.
Nov. 29th). With new allies who own a Jammer Helm, the group pools its funds and buys a ship to place it in. This one is large enough to house all the smaller ships and dock with the gnome ship. These ships augment spells cast through them by multiplying range by 3. Anyone can Pilot, but it is best if Cha, Wis, and Int are high. They set aout and enter the cavernous highway. First encounter is an Aboleth. They next stop in a giant slug market, and pick up a few paying passengers, and an alien regeneration specialist healer with a starfish head who eats the diseased tissue and plants regeneration spores in the patient. One of the new PCs is a K'en Unai (Jedi/Sith class someone wrote up for 5e) and he travels with a Tiefling Warlock (Tome) of Mr. Dust. They find, another Force Sensitive, an Eladrin female in a red bodysuit with a pair of triangular laserblades.
Dec. 06th). The gang presses on and encounters a fight between a Colossal Xorn and Behir, shaking up the cavern something fierce, and the resultant roof collapse tears the fabric of the distance-compressing whatsit effect of the dragonbone highway, sucking the crew into the Hereafter. Fighting humanoid animals trying to build a sphere of all 16 elements who were too paranoid about their snooping was a thrilling session, and the big ship flying in despite its damages scared the furries off.
Nov. 08th). Waking up in the chromed DHL van alien spaceship with psychic interface, the PCs quickly dispatch an Undead Abberation Cyborg and regain control of their ship. They see that robots are dismantling other ships in a larger hangar and they fight a power suppression effect to get off the ground and are successful. Mayhem and dstruction results in the undoing of the ceiling of the hangar anf the collapse of the upper tower's ground floor. Among those falling to crtain doom is the new PC, Richard, a single-classed Fighter from a typical Fantasy world, providing body guarding to a winged serpent who paid him in meat. Richard's sword allows him to Teleport short distances based upon his current (HP) total, and he is also Telepathic modelled after the Awakened Mind of the GOO Warlock pact feature. Caught in the cargo-bay ramp of a teal Shark-shaped ship piloted by another new PC (a Dragonborn), Richard was saved. Warren, the Gnome with the horseshoe ship was in communication with a small fleet of ships who had reprsentatives of their crew captured in the twin tower graveyard facility. With Warren's presence, they aliens decided to attack the facility and contributed to the place's destruction in a hail of energy beams and missile attacks. The DHL and Shark-shaped ship escape and dock with the horseshoe. A Shadow Gate was used to enter Elementral Shadow and the group Long-Rested there while a few PCs upped their powers and connection to Lord Shadow.
Nov. 15th). Dragonspace is full of life forms which resemble sea life, including coral, medusa, and algae or bacterial clouds. Flying through this portion of the Realm brings the ship in contact with increasingly more complex reptiloid forms, as if a lifecycle were represented, culminating in more and more draconic forms. Eventually the Party's sensors detect pulses of light and increases in heat and turbulence ahead. As the waves wash over the ship, it is postulated that there may be an audio component to the waves: struth: 'Welcome, interlopers. It has been so long since last I took humanoid form. Please meet me for tea at ___ location.' The PCs agree this is likely a dragon, and decide instead to turn around rather than press on to the Space Gate located further. Not given the opportunity, dragonoids (including egg-shaped craft) attack. They destroy them, and then the red dragon attacks, nearly destroying them, but lets them live with a broken gnome ship. This is makeshift-repaired and then repaired at a trading post.
Nov. 22nd). Red light district action in the previous adventure and this one leads to a map and a mission to deal with mineral rights in an 'asteroid' cluster owned by various dragon interests and occupied in part by stone giants. This leads to a deal with the giants in exchange for formal relations with the black dragon syndicate in question. The ore the patron wanted is delivered and the map is handed over. The shadow paladin has now added 1 level of warlock (Lord Shadow), and the group plans to enter the dragonbone highway.
Nov. 29th). With new allies who own a Jammer Helm, the group pools its funds and buys a ship to place it in. This one is large enough to house all the smaller ships and dock with the gnome ship. These ships augment spells cast through them by multiplying range by 3. Anyone can Pilot, but it is best if Cha, Wis, and Int are high. They set aout and enter the cavernous highway. First encounter is an Aboleth. They next stop in a giant slug market, and pick up a few paying passengers, and an alien regeneration specialist healer with a starfish head who eats the diseased tissue and plants regeneration spores in the patient. One of the new PCs is a K'en Unai (Jedi/Sith class someone wrote up for 5e) and he travels with a Tiefling Warlock (Tome) of Mr. Dust. They find, another Force Sensitive, an Eladrin female in a red bodysuit with a pair of triangular laserblades.
Dec. 06th). The gang presses on and encounters a fight between a Colossal Xorn and Behir, shaking up the cavern something fierce, and the resultant roof collapse tears the fabric of the distance-compressing whatsit effect of the dragonbone highway, sucking the crew into the Hereafter. Fighting humanoid animals trying to build a sphere of all 16 elements who were too paranoid about their snooping was a thrilling session, and the big ship flying in despite its damages scared the furries off.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Dynamic Pool, more than just Hit Points-
Long before calling them Dynamic Pool, I was using a player resource normally hoarded as a means for modifying die rolls. It is a counter-intuitive strategy to expend one's Consciousness metric (and by extension the likelihood of staying alive) to boost one's chance to succeed at action ranging from combat to task resolution and magic.
The DP in Urutsk can be expended on a 4:1 ratio where four points gains the PC 1d6 to be added to die rolls or simply to create that much Elemental matter for a specific purpose. Harvesting Elemental Crystals in creatures has become a common practise, with PCs sharing the same or related Element getting first pick, then the more Casterly-types using them to convert to more desirable elements at a diminishing rate of return.
The dilemma to use or save one's Dynamic Pool points is one of my favourite to observe, and I take a bit of perverse pleasure in suggesting to Players that the sticky situation could be alleviated by expending 4, 8, or 12 DP to strike a deathblow on an opponent, splitting between Striking and Damage.
What are your thoughts?
The DP in Urutsk can be expended on a 4:1 ratio where four points gains the PC 1d6 to be added to die rolls or simply to create that much Elemental matter for a specific purpose. Harvesting Elemental Crystals in creatures has become a common practise, with PCs sharing the same or related Element getting first pick, then the more Casterly-types using them to convert to more desirable elements at a diminishing rate of return.
The dilemma to use or save one's Dynamic Pool points is one of my favourite to observe, and I take a bit of perverse pleasure in suggesting to Players that the sticky situation could be alleviated by expending 4, 8, or 12 DP to strike a deathblow on an opponent, splitting between Striking and Damage.
What are your thoughts?
Friday, November 7, 2014
The Weekend of 1st & 2nd November, '14
The party travels aboard the Gnome's ship and enters Normal Space, only to find they have passed through a one-way warp gate to a rend in the fabric of space. All sixteen elements are flinging ejecta into this maelstrom of shattered worlds, ruined structures, and wrecked ships. While the Unseen Servant is out plotting a course through the dangerous mix of elements, the scanners detect a habitable environment: a graveyard with a two towers base to base (like Chess Rooks).
Weirdness when they land after a hail comes through, assuring the party that although the hosts aren't human, Humans are welcome. A deep-Shadow dwelling woman zips to the three Shadowblooded and warns against the plans to bum-rush the place as the PCs were wont. A gateway arch opens for the Gnome, and the Shadow Paladin rushes in, standing astride the locations, and drops a Detect. "How gauche!" can be heard by the lot of occupants, although only about sixteen percent of the folks detected as evil (with sigils over their heads). A Hawktapus identifies itself as the caster of the gateway, and begins to chat with the Gnome. the Aetherblooded Sorcerer (Dr. Who-themed) banters with it and they exchange genetic samples. Sulk, the Shadowblooded woman races in, and continues to explain that this palce is balanced by population, so that as a certain number of occupants are selected to enter, a corresponding number must be 'exited'. The dust of the exits are collected by robots. Sulk explains in increasing Word Salad that the Overmind conditions occupants to forget their origins, themselves, and to think of themselves as part of a system, to be rearranged or removed as the Overmind desires. She finally flips out and races off.
The Party is escorted by grey guards to a Purple chamber where they are under the impression that the Overmind determines whether or not their atoms cohere, and that they have no choice but to comply or risk destruction. Stepping through a White door brings them to a game show style platform with blinding white lights shining down upon them, and not only a panel of judges, but a vast audience in the round applauding and calling for their full disclosure of secrets. Contacting Lord Hyperion, the Sorcerer is warned against 'Purchase', and 'Teeth'. the group steels itself with elemental blood expenditures, and half-wakes to find themselves back in their silver spacevan, hearing the voices of their Kherstic League operators speaking about them, while outside stands the reanimated corpse of the Rogue who intentionally snapped her neck. We held it there.
TL; DR: Weird Sh!t
The PCs asked the Computer what they could do to facilitate her regaining control of the various dead levels of the ship complex, and apart from confronting the Wraith King on the levels above them, the PCs were told that some Sorcerers and Warlocks were tapping into the Computer's link to the CHAIN and were using it to contact their Patrons and other Higher Minds; there was a possibility they were in cahoots with the Wraith king. The PCs agreed to confront the 'locks.
The same player playing the same Shadow Paladin is in both games, and he and Eleis travelled from the hippie encampment down the slopes of the artificial mountains to the valley below. From there, they made their way into the jungle surrounding the artificial caves. They were ambushed by an _enhanced Panther (2x HP, and d8 Bite and d6 Claws; Claw/Claw/Bite routine)_ which nearly dropped the Paladin, until Eleis shattered it with a Frostlightning bolt. They harvested a 6-point Shadow crystal from it and the Paladin swallowed it. The mate was confused and when confronted with the Paladin, perceived its mate's lifeforce inside him, and submitted to his Animal Handling attempt. Now with a Frost Fox and a Shadow Panther, the Party pressed on into the caves. All the typical pro-caving difficulties were there (as a form of recreation for the Vrun on the starship in centuries past), but it was handwaved as taking 10's and 20's (I was thinking of OSRs screaming at me I was doing it wrong). Eventually came came time and a giant centipede attack, but, Frostlightning. Then Bone Naga, and Frostlightning and sword. Collecting the elecrystals from both and the spells from the bone Naga, the party pressed on.
A fork in the caves and a broken synthwood sign informed of a "___ World ___ ___ Park" up the cave or continue on towards certain uncertainty. they took the path and it lead to an artificial stone arch bridge over a icy, swift-flowing river; the far side had an adobe-style building. An Undead Construct in Qhetannian (ancient Aelbaan Urutskan culture) garb blocked the way until Eleis remembered her History and they were allowed to pass on to the main portion of the very designed locale. Meeting more Undead Constructs going through their centuries long routine of reaping non-existent wheat or spinning non-existent pottery, etc., the Party pressed on to another arch, this time over a vast chasm, leading to a building in a stalactite. Greated by another Undead Construct who covered herself in Semblance of Life; a lovely Khem-Yirinn. Their things were catalogued and wrapped in oiled skins while the Party were treated to bathing and oiling and scenting, and other beautification.
Partaking of an oily-cakey brown bar, Eleis had a rush of power and genetic memory flood over her, submerging her beneath her ancestors in a cascade like toppling dominoes going back to the 'present' in which they travelled from thousands of years in the future. This wave crashed into her 'living' ancestor; a Mummy-Lich who instantly became aware of her and opened a scrying window to her location. The Paladin and Eleis' apprentice rushed in to aid her, but the boy, overcome with awe, simply knelt. Paladin was ready to jump through the Scypane and engage the Undead, but Eleis waved them both away. The Khem-Yirinn gave all of them a potion which temporarily increased their [Cha, Wis, and Int] enough to communicate respectfully in his Majesty's presence. Whisked away on chariots, they travelled through streets with kneeling Undead-Construct peasants/subjects and arrived at the Glass and Gold Pyramid Tomb-Palace guarded by cadre of elite U-C warriors. Bowing before her ancestor, Eleis was lifted up by him as he marvelled at her beauty and power. Drinking of her blood in a force chalice, the Mummy-Lich reclined as Golden Steam settled like a cloud over him; reviewing her recent life and the links of ancestors back to him, he was saddened by the degeneration of the Empire and the vast number of hybrids (such as Eleis) the Aelbaan bred, settling to be second rate terrestrial empire of merchant fleets.
The concubine or wife of the Mummy-Lich took the Shadow Paladin to a room where he was shown an empty black mirror, told that they had captured a creature within it. Suddenly Sulk from the Saturday game appeared to him and warned that the Saturday crew was in terrible danger, and that his tie to the past would aid them in freedom. She then asked him to smash the mirror, and he dropped a Smite and Sacred Weapon on his gauntlet, breaking it. Sulk then thanked him and shattered. He was left with a lot of 'splainin to do.
The party travels aboard the Gnome's ship and enters Normal Space, only to find they have passed through a one-way warp gate to a rend in the fabric of space. All sixteen elements are flinging ejecta into this maelstrom of shattered worlds, ruined structures, and wrecked ships. While the Unseen Servant is out plotting a course through the dangerous mix of elements, the scanners detect a habitable environment: a graveyard with a two towers base to base (like Chess Rooks).
Weirdness when they land after a hail comes through, assuring the party that although the hosts aren't human, Humans are welcome. A deep-Shadow dwelling woman zips to the three Shadowblooded and warns against the plans to bum-rush the place as the PCs were wont. A gateway arch opens for the Gnome, and the Shadow Paladin rushes in, standing astride the locations, and drops a Detect. "How gauche!" can be heard by the lot of occupants, although only about sixteen percent of the folks detected as evil (with sigils over their heads). A Hawktapus identifies itself as the caster of the gateway, and begins to chat with the Gnome. the Aetherblooded Sorcerer (Dr. Who-themed) banters with it and they exchange genetic samples. Sulk, the Shadowblooded woman races in, and continues to explain that this palce is balanced by population, so that as a certain number of occupants are selected to enter, a corresponding number must be 'exited'. The dust of the exits are collected by robots. Sulk explains in increasing Word Salad that the Overmind conditions occupants to forget their origins, themselves, and to think of themselves as part of a system, to be rearranged or removed as the Overmind desires. She finally flips out and races off.
The Party is escorted by grey guards to a Purple chamber where they are under the impression that the Overmind determines whether or not their atoms cohere, and that they have no choice but to comply or risk destruction. Stepping through a White door brings them to a game show style platform with blinding white lights shining down upon them, and not only a panel of judges, but a vast audience in the round applauding and calling for their full disclosure of secrets. Contacting Lord Hyperion, the Sorcerer is warned against 'Purchase', and 'Teeth'. the group steels itself with elemental blood expenditures, and half-wakes to find themselves back in their silver spacevan, hearing the voices of their Kherstic League operators speaking about them, while outside stands the reanimated corpse of the Rogue who intentionally snapped her neck. We held it there.
TL; DR: Weird Sh!t
The PCs asked the Computer what they could do to facilitate her regaining control of the various dead levels of the ship complex, and apart from confronting the Wraith King on the levels above them, the PCs were told that some Sorcerers and Warlocks were tapping into the Computer's link to the CHAIN and were using it to contact their Patrons and other Higher Minds; there was a possibility they were in cahoots with the Wraith king. The PCs agreed to confront the 'locks.
The same player playing the same Shadow Paladin is in both games, and he and Eleis travelled from the hippie encampment down the slopes of the artificial mountains to the valley below. From there, they made their way into the jungle surrounding the artificial caves. They were ambushed by an _enhanced Panther (2x HP, and d8 Bite and d6 Claws; Claw/Claw/Bite routine)_ which nearly dropped the Paladin, until Eleis shattered it with a Frostlightning bolt. They harvested a 6-point Shadow crystal from it and the Paladin swallowed it. The mate was confused and when confronted with the Paladin, perceived its mate's lifeforce inside him, and submitted to his Animal Handling attempt. Now with a Frost Fox and a Shadow Panther, the Party pressed on into the caves. All the typical pro-caving difficulties were there (as a form of recreation for the Vrun on the starship in centuries past), but it was handwaved as taking 10's and 20's (I was thinking of OSRs screaming at me I was doing it wrong). Eventually came came time and a giant centipede attack, but, Frostlightning. Then Bone Naga, and Frostlightning and sword. Collecting the elecrystals from both and the spells from the bone Naga, the party pressed on.
A fork in the caves and a broken synthwood sign informed of a "___ World ___ ___ Park" up the cave or continue on towards certain uncertainty. they took the path and it lead to an artificial stone arch bridge over a icy, swift-flowing river; the far side had an adobe-style building. An Undead Construct in Qhetannian (ancient Aelbaan Urutskan culture) garb blocked the way until Eleis remembered her History and they were allowed to pass on to the main portion of the very designed locale. Meeting more Undead Constructs going through their centuries long routine of reaping non-existent wheat or spinning non-existent pottery, etc., the Party pressed on to another arch, this time over a vast chasm, leading to a building in a stalactite. Greated by another Undead Construct who covered herself in Semblance of Life; a lovely Khem-Yirinn. Their things were catalogued and wrapped in oiled skins while the Party were treated to bathing and oiling and scenting, and other beautification.
Partaking of an oily-cakey brown bar, Eleis had a rush of power and genetic memory flood over her, submerging her beneath her ancestors in a cascade like toppling dominoes going back to the 'present' in which they travelled from thousands of years in the future. This wave crashed into her 'living' ancestor; a Mummy-Lich who instantly became aware of her and opened a scrying window to her location. The Paladin and Eleis' apprentice rushed in to aid her, but the boy, overcome with awe, simply knelt. Paladin was ready to jump through the Scypane and engage the Undead, but Eleis waved them both away. The Khem-Yirinn gave all of them a potion which temporarily increased their [Cha, Wis, and Int] enough to communicate respectfully in his Majesty's presence. Whisked away on chariots, they travelled through streets with kneeling Undead-Construct peasants/subjects and arrived at the Glass and Gold Pyramid Tomb-Palace guarded by cadre of elite U-C warriors. Bowing before her ancestor, Eleis was lifted up by him as he marvelled at her beauty and power. Drinking of her blood in a force chalice, the Mummy-Lich reclined as Golden Steam settled like a cloud over him; reviewing her recent life and the links of ancestors back to him, he was saddened by the degeneration of the Empire and the vast number of hybrids (such as Eleis) the Aelbaan bred, settling to be second rate terrestrial empire of merchant fleets.
The concubine or wife of the Mummy-Lich took the Shadow Paladin to a room where he was shown an empty black mirror, told that they had captured a creature within it. Suddenly Sulk from the Saturday game appeared to him and warned that the Saturday crew was in terrible danger, and that his tie to the past would aid them in freedom. She then asked him to smash the mirror, and he dropped a Smite and Sacred Weapon on his gauntlet, breaking it. Sulk then thanked him and shattered. He was left with a lot of 'splainin to do.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
25th & 26th October, '14
The party set off into the corrupted Dragon's Spine hyperspace conduit in their cargo-van-sized craft and almost immediately were found by those pesky Shorrannin (who knew through a precog-scan they would return after first visit). The nutso pilot, pyromaniac Western Isles Vrun, Silt-blooded but Fire-worshiping Cleric (!) was the first they approached, but she was not to be swayed. Next came a Monarch-conditioned SRA victim (gun and explosives-freak) mute (backstory: her voxbox had been 'torn out' to silence and punish her after she survived a slaughter of her unit in wartime). She was told the voice contacting her was that of her Mistress (Abyss?) and she literally jumped out of the craft onto the petrified-wood/bone terrain, and was proptly picked up by the Shorrannin. The party called it no big loss, and flew on without one descenting opinion.
The transformation over a week's time in the Hiveship had the players a bit grossed out, such as being pulled/pushed through a corridor filled with bugs of every conceivable size, as if flowing through a living fluid. Subcutaneous chitin beign implanted; as well as the PC beign impregnated with a further buggified clone of herself (reincarnation). Caressed by the unseen queen in dark chambers with moist breath, slimy tentacles, and tender mandibles comforting her. As the PC had self-described herself as a Ritual Abused-inducted child, this attention was not unwanted. The Shorrannin Queen informed the PC that she was aware of a future event in which an egg/device should be retrieved by the PC, allowing time to be transcended. The PC took this to mean that the present was when the egg would show up, and forced her way upon a ship to be be described now...
The crew of the alien DHL van ;) was overcome by the monotony and vastness of the realm, and the intrusion of the psychic technology of the craft, and tried to gain mastery of its systems outside of combat. Initial performance during a salvo of torpedoes/missiles during the first encounter was wanting, and so they set about to do some preemptive weapons fire when a contact was made on the sonar-like energy scope sensor. A craft was detected a long ways off and the group, travelling stealthed, continued to observe it.
This craft was piloted by a Gnome native to this Shorrannin-corrupted Dragonspace realm, only occasionally having exited into that bizarre and frightening black void dotted with distant specks of light. His craft looks like a metallic green horseshoe with a black 'nucleous' set in the crook of the shoe, bridged only by a Dim-Door. It is house-sized, mostly used for cargo, with the nucleous as bridge and living quarters for the Gnome. As a Wizard, he is able to utilise all of his known spells through the craft, and carries a pistol-wand, and a rifle-rod for personal defence. This craft could detect energy output in the environment, but couldn't pinpoint it (I used the quantum, either speed and not location, or location, but not speed, example), and after hours of approach and scanning and counter-scanning, interacted with the PCs. First the energy bridge was extended, but the Party docked inside the horseshoe. Almost immediately, the buggified PC, riding a rolling energy vortex (torroid), tried to enter the ship, only to encounter the ship's Shield. She used her Void teleport, sacrificing her clone baby to breach the defence, and steamingly appeared in a hold, dripping black baby ichor.
Killing herself through a combination of her exertions and a ricochet, the party members burned her body to spell components and flushed the rest out into Dragonspace. The player appeared a bit flustered, and no one else spoke of the event; we ended the session there.
TL; DR: PvP = Party versus PC.
The small turnout saw those present travelling through a dead level, encountering and dispatching a Wraith. The next level had two Wraiths, and one had to sacrifice most of its Dynamic Pool (HPs) to affect the Western Isles Vrun Frost Wizard (now with an apprentice), while the other broke off and disappeared. Soon thereafter, a flaming skull came and introduced himself as the herald of the Wraith King, and proceeded to F'them up, but was taken down in about three Rounds, after the Frost Wizard had to turn off the Frost-tag on her spells. The Paly Player joked about dropping a Smite on his canteen to make Holy Water, which I allowed. The FS was destroyed. Later, the Shadow Paladin (played in the Saturday sessions, too ... to receive only half-XP in each day's adventures) received a vision of a Wraith King promising his wrath upon them should they not submit to him). Lady Arctise could barely be contacted, and she seemed very worried her agents were in great peril, mouthing to 'get out of there'. She flashed ice-blue light in the unpowered lift shaft, and the PCs jumped. Falling until the Vrun encoutered the working levels' field, the Halbean (WI Vrun) rode an Ice Slide down until they spotted vegetation.
This was the top of a multi-level biodome, and the dippy-hippies welcomed them to go through decontamination before joining the population in the Idyls. It became clear that these folks worship a dynamism of Lord Worm (Silt), and Pant the It (Steam) as the Greenman and Goddess. We held it there.
TL; DR: Undead and Deadheads
The party set off into the corrupted Dragon's Spine hyperspace conduit in their cargo-van-sized craft and almost immediately were found by those pesky Shorrannin (who knew through a precog-scan they would return after first visit). The nutso pilot, pyromaniac Western Isles Vrun, Silt-blooded but Fire-worshiping Cleric (!) was the first they approached, but she was not to be swayed. Next came a Monarch-conditioned SRA victim (gun and explosives-freak) mute (backstory: her voxbox had been 'torn out' to silence and punish her after she survived a slaughter of her unit in wartime). She was told the voice contacting her was that of her Mistress (Abyss?) and she literally jumped out of the craft onto the petrified-wood/bone terrain, and was proptly picked up by the Shorrannin. The party called it no big loss, and flew on without one descenting opinion.
The transformation over a week's time in the Hiveship had the players a bit grossed out, such as being pulled/pushed through a corridor filled with bugs of every conceivable size, as if flowing through a living fluid. Subcutaneous chitin beign implanted; as well as the PC beign impregnated with a further buggified clone of herself (reincarnation). Caressed by the unseen queen in dark chambers with moist breath, slimy tentacles, and tender mandibles comforting her. As the PC had self-described herself as a Ritual Abused-inducted child, this attention was not unwanted. The Shorrannin Queen informed the PC that she was aware of a future event in which an egg/device should be retrieved by the PC, allowing time to be transcended. The PC took this to mean that the present was when the egg would show up, and forced her way upon a ship to be be described now...
The crew of the alien DHL van ;) was overcome by the monotony and vastness of the realm, and the intrusion of the psychic technology of the craft, and tried to gain mastery of its systems outside of combat. Initial performance during a salvo of torpedoes/missiles during the first encounter was wanting, and so they set about to do some preemptive weapons fire when a contact was made on the sonar-like energy scope sensor. A craft was detected a long ways off and the group, travelling stealthed, continued to observe it.
This craft was piloted by a Gnome native to this Shorrannin-corrupted Dragonspace realm, only occasionally having exited into that bizarre and frightening black void dotted with distant specks of light. His craft looks like a metallic green horseshoe with a black 'nucleous' set in the crook of the shoe, bridged only by a Dim-Door. It is house-sized, mostly used for cargo, with the nucleous as bridge and living quarters for the Gnome. As a Wizard, he is able to utilise all of his known spells through the craft, and carries a pistol-wand, and a rifle-rod for personal defence. This craft could detect energy output in the environment, but couldn't pinpoint it (I used the quantum, either speed and not location, or location, but not speed, example), and after hours of approach and scanning and counter-scanning, interacted with the PCs. First the energy bridge was extended, but the Party docked inside the horseshoe. Almost immediately, the buggified PC, riding a rolling energy vortex (torroid), tried to enter the ship, only to encounter the ship's Shield. She used her Void teleport, sacrificing her clone baby to breach the defence, and steamingly appeared in a hold, dripping black baby ichor.
Killing herself through a combination of her exertions and a ricochet, the party members burned her body to spell components and flushed the rest out into Dragonspace. The player appeared a bit flustered, and no one else spoke of the event; we ended the session there.
TL; DR: PvP = Party versus PC.
The small turnout saw those present travelling through a dead level, encountering and dispatching a Wraith. The next level had two Wraiths, and one had to sacrifice most of its Dynamic Pool (HPs) to affect the Western Isles Vrun Frost Wizard (now with an apprentice), while the other broke off and disappeared. Soon thereafter, a flaming skull came and introduced himself as the herald of the Wraith King, and proceeded to F'them up, but was taken down in about three Rounds, after the Frost Wizard had to turn off the Frost-tag on her spells. The Paly Player joked about dropping a Smite on his canteen to make Holy Water, which I allowed. The FS was destroyed. Later, the Shadow Paladin (played in the Saturday sessions, too ... to receive only half-XP in each day's adventures) received a vision of a Wraith King promising his wrath upon them should they not submit to him). Lady Arctise could barely be contacted, and she seemed very worried her agents were in great peril, mouthing to 'get out of there'. She flashed ice-blue light in the unpowered lift shaft, and the PCs jumped. Falling until the Vrun encoutered the working levels' field, the Halbean (WI Vrun) rode an Ice Slide down until they spotted vegetation.
This was the top of a multi-level biodome, and the dippy-hippies welcomed them to go through decontamination before joining the population in the Idyls. It became clear that these folks worship a dynamism of Lord Worm (Silt), and Pant the It (Steam) as the Greenman and Goddess. We held it there.
TL; DR: Undead and Deadheads
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
October 18th & 19th
:: 7 Players
The exploration of the mine continued and a startling discovery was made: The Goop dissolves organics, leaving inorganics unharmed. It also turns rigid when exposed to sub-microwave energy and acts as a filter/cap. Lowering the Justifier-armoured Paladin below the goopcap exposed travel through an open gateway. The new place is a pervasive darkness lit with varying degrees of light in the grey tones. Illuminated are paths of what look to be a combination of bone and calcified wood, going off in long wild coils, or out of sight. Sensors and samples indicate that this is a Draconic construct corrupted by Shorrannin; and may be a Draconic equivalent to the Human Hyperspace network of pre-Imperial days. The group had earlier uncovered a vehicle which required Vrun genetic unlock to operate, and was based upon alien technology. The Kherstic League invited them to explore the place in the hopes of reaching a different star system. They'll be using the newly uncovered vehicle to explore this space.
:: 6 Players
Now one level lower after having bridged the isolated computer with lower level connectivity, the Party discovered that a population of roughly 600 cannibalistic warriors controls not only this level, but also two further down. Rather than simply use the automated defence systems with override authorisation to kill them all, the new paladin of Shadow suggested approaching them in peace. The group compromised by having the AI address the warriors, who complied with the peaceful meeting. TL; DR: The warriors are the remnants of a the last line of Security forces securing the retreat of the crew and colonists deeper into the ship complex, and had adapted to their unusual role and circumstances by eating their impaired. The Paladin healed a few of their diseases, but also introduced both fungi and algae to their diet. The good relations allow the Party to travel through to more civilised areas of the complex.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Urutsk D&D 5th: 11th and 12th of October, '14
The group consisted of three PCs, and they found a hoverbike and watched its operator, off bike, being chased down by thin and lithe tiger-sized wolf-like things. Recognising the colours as the Kherstic League, the tech-Ranger sniped the figure. Turned out to be a female Yirinn, likely Void- or Nega-Lightning Blooded by her extensive and dark-themed tattoos covering her body. They looted her clean and stole the bike, towing a Qemrin flying saucer they had blown up real good earlier, when only two PCs were present. They were quickly met by the KL drones which they promptly shot down after getting hosed by 3d6 rapidfire guns on the basketball-sized devices. Captured, one PC dying, they were released into a psychward looking room, and their dying friend wheeled in, head shaved, and speaking in a lower voice. Psychics or via implants were dismissively insulting them in their minds, and were telling the near-dead female PC she was now a 'he', named Bahb instead of Betti. Said PC snapped her own neck rather than live in that torment. The other two climbed into the ventilation shaft and 'escaped' only to realise they were being led up the garden path, as it were. Asked if they were ready to stop fighting their capture and simply work for the KL doing what they had been scamming, namely recovering Ancient technology from the mine. They continued to plot revenge, apparently not caring that their thoughts are an open book, as it were.
Four PCs this time, with more expected next (this) week. Waking up from Cryosleep, Eleis, the Western Isles Frost Wizard, chatted with the AI and started to understand what had transpired in the intervening 873 years (when they were supposed to wake every 50 years or so). Learnt that a collapse in morale by those Vrun born to the survivors of the destruction of the Sphere of Stars led to Elemental Factionism along Caste lines. Eleis then learnt how to create a Frost Font, drawing power from the ice and snow as a Temporary Dynamic Pool she can use in all the ways her DP (that is to say in D&D terms, her Hit Points), including to cast at higher level slots. The first solo fight with a mutated Rhemoraz (sp?) went well, but only because these critters aren't immune to Cold. Waking up the Monk/Data Tech, and the Barb/Pally/Ship's Superstructure guy and his Assassin/? ward, the group now numbered double digits looking to the PCs to fix their miserably cold situation before they froze to death. Nearly 600 years ago, the glacier sitting atop the ship complex broke through and this level was completely abandoned, and it was cut off from the mainframe AI. A series of three or four other combats with the mini-Rhemies went in the Party's favour. Now everyone is looking to descend to lower levels of the ship complex. It is believed that these Rhemoraz are Shorrannin sub-species.
The group consisted of three PCs, and they found a hoverbike and watched its operator, off bike, being chased down by thin and lithe tiger-sized wolf-like things. Recognising the colours as the Kherstic League, the tech-Ranger sniped the figure. Turned out to be a female Yirinn, likely Void- or Nega-Lightning Blooded by her extensive and dark-themed tattoos covering her body. They looted her clean and stole the bike, towing a Qemrin flying saucer they had blown up real good earlier, when only two PCs were present. They were quickly met by the KL drones which they promptly shot down after getting hosed by 3d6 rapidfire guns on the basketball-sized devices. Captured, one PC dying, they were released into a psychward looking room, and their dying friend wheeled in, head shaved, and speaking in a lower voice. Psychics or via implants were dismissively insulting them in their minds, and were telling the near-dead female PC she was now a 'he', named Bahb instead of Betti. Said PC snapped her own neck rather than live in that torment. The other two climbed into the ventilation shaft and 'escaped' only to realise they were being led up the garden path, as it were. Asked if they were ready to stop fighting their capture and simply work for the KL doing what they had been scamming, namely recovering Ancient technology from the mine. They continued to plot revenge, apparently not caring that their thoughts are an open book, as it were.
Four PCs this time, with more expected next (this) week. Waking up from Cryosleep, Eleis, the Western Isles Frost Wizard, chatted with the AI and started to understand what had transpired in the intervening 873 years (when they were supposed to wake every 50 years or so). Learnt that a collapse in morale by those Vrun born to the survivors of the destruction of the Sphere of Stars led to Elemental Factionism along Caste lines. Eleis then learnt how to create a Frost Font, drawing power from the ice and snow as a Temporary Dynamic Pool she can use in all the ways her DP (that is to say in D&D terms, her Hit Points), including to cast at higher level slots. The first solo fight with a mutated Rhemoraz (sp?) went well, but only because these critters aren't immune to Cold. Waking up the Monk/Data Tech, and the Barb/Pally/Ship's Superstructure guy and his Assassin/? ward, the group now numbered double digits looking to the PCs to fix their miserably cold situation before they froze to death. Nearly 600 years ago, the glacier sitting atop the ship complex broke through and this level was completely abandoned, and it was cut off from the mainframe AI. A series of three or four other combats with the mini-Rhemies went in the Party's favour. Now everyone is looking to descend to lower levels of the ship complex. It is believed that these Rhemoraz are Shorrannin sub-species.
Monday, October 6, 2014
October 4th & 5th, '14
(7 Players)
The Ranger with ball droid, and the Technical Rogue in ninja HUD suit are guided by Snow Leopardoids to a location where unpleasant creatures are doing unwanted things on Snow Leopardoid tribal lands; a backwoods Ranger type is there as well. The big cats go diving into Sneers and munching on Humans, and blow the infiltration plan. Meanwhile, a mining operation with Sneers uncovers an ancient vehicle, which a Red Sneer illustrates its defences are still active by blowing up. This explosion is what the prompts unprofessional Vrun guards to open up on the Sneers. In the crossfire is a Vrun Warlock of Princess Nyx, who should have got hit, and later had holes in her clothes, but showed no injury. The Champion Fighter had fetched the Gangster Moll who promptly fell unconscious, hitting her head and gone into a light coma. The Rogue and Ranger infiltrate and fight their way into the CF of a situation, while the Champion brings the bosslady to the mess. The mess hall has the Khem Warlock who administersw a healing potion bringing her out of hte coma, just before the Ranger blows the Moll's brains out. [...] A Durnsman takes the party down to a slime or pudding at the bottom of the mine shaft.
TL; DR: Death
(5 Players)
Lady Arctise gains access to the Emperor's Elevator and she sends the PCs back to First Winter. There they explain how to save more Vrun, and how they come from the future, meaning the plan succeeds. They cryosleep for 873 years into mid-First Winter and then crawl out with 3 'Str' and try and figure out what they should do next. The Barbarian 3 is now Palladin 2; the Rogue Assassin has been de-Nyx'd after he met with Lord Shadow, and can now Alter Self 3x/Day; the Monk is likely going to add K'en Unai (somebody's Jedi/Sith 5e writeup) next level. The Warlock of Mystress Abyss met his ancestor and together they get 125% more folks in cryo to ride out the hard radiation bath that was riding out ahead of the Starshock. Ellieis, the Western Isles Frost Wizard Lady, reconciled with Arctise and the little Frost Fox received a damage upgrade. I've promised them a big combat next time.
TL; DR: Time travel
Monday, September 29, 2014
September 27th and 28th '14
September 27th & 28th
Saturday Game-
(4 Players)
^ I fixed the problem we were having and the Ranger and Rogue hooked up, were given a 'Golden Opportunity' to jump into a con-job dealing with Snow Leopard-like humanoids in the Tshabishan Mountains north of Qerzyk...
^ A clan leader of the Snow Leopard-like humanoids was whisked-off in a Kherstic League Grav Vehicle back to Qerzyk, but it was intercepted hours out by the Ranger and Rogue posing as KL reps who were there to seal the deal of expansion into nearby territory. Now, the KL is really trying to establish relations, but a criminal syndicate boldly decided to steal the reins and get into the area fast.
^ The KL Diplomat's Military liaison spotted the hinkiness and quietly cut herself in for 50%.
^ The Technical Rogue retrofitted the PC Snow Leopard Barbarian's Great Sword with 1d10 Electrical damage, and a +1 to Edged/Slashing damage overall.
:: TL;DR Playa's got game; kitty's got boltz ::
Sunday Game-
(7 Players)
^ Entered the Demiplane of Death and found treasure, much of which was cursed or very 'dark'
^ The Yaesh Rogue/Assassin no has a dagger that buries itself in his right arm ready to eject at will, and only cost him a permanent loss of 3 HP. He made out with and was bitten by the Social Media savvy Princess Nyx, the Negative Lightning Patron and leader of vampires, gaining the Spider Climb ability. He also found three daggers in a thigh sheath that look like resting bats.
^ The Undead Barbarian found an Imperial Era, Truenamed Sword which negates one of his Negative Levels while holding it, and is anchored to the CHAIN galactic network, providing the Khark access with his Astrogation DataSlate.
^ The Vrun Warlock of Mistress Abyss met Her and was levelled up to 4th (gaining roughly 400 XP), and was gifted with an animated Scourge/Bullwhip that Poisons on a Critical. Th Mistress was seated on a living throne of contorted submissives and the whip was drawn out of one of their mouths. Abyss gifted the Western Isles Vrun Frost Wizard with, 'Black Ice', a version of Grease that still falls under her Ice/Frost tag, and is the gateway to darkness, obscurement, and other spells. Abyss shared that all of the Elemental Patrons are related, and that Frosty didn't need to worry about offending Lady Arctise by accepting the spell. Princess Nyx stopped by to complain that Game of Thrones was disappointing, but Abyss countered that Nyx should keep watching through at least the Red Wedding episode.
^ A Vrun Cleric of Life tied to Prince Donner of the Positive Lightning Plane was freed by the Khark, and has joined the party. He gained an extra Channel Divinity use per day.
^ The party exited via an elevator the Emperor installed traversing the 16 Elemental Planes. The railroady stop they took was to 'Basement 1', an artificial Plane that had many doors leading elsewhere; while there all Elemental Patron powers were cut-off or suppressed. The exit they chose opened to a stone floored but metal walled corridor.
:: TL; DR: Awesomness ::
Saturday Game-
(4 Players)
^ I fixed the problem we were having and the Ranger and Rogue hooked up, were given a 'Golden Opportunity' to jump into a con-job dealing with Snow Leopard-like humanoids in the Tshabishan Mountains north of Qerzyk...
^ A clan leader of the Snow Leopard-like humanoids was whisked-off in a Kherstic League Grav Vehicle back to Qerzyk, but it was intercepted hours out by the Ranger and Rogue posing as KL reps who were there to seal the deal of expansion into nearby territory. Now, the KL is really trying to establish relations, but a criminal syndicate boldly decided to steal the reins and get into the area fast.
^ The KL Diplomat's Military liaison spotted the hinkiness and quietly cut herself in for 50%.
^ The Technical Rogue retrofitted the PC Snow Leopard Barbarian's Great Sword with 1d10 Electrical damage, and a +1 to Edged/Slashing damage overall.
:: TL;DR Playa's got game; kitty's got boltz ::
Sunday Game-
(7 Players)
^ Entered the Demiplane of Death and found treasure, much of which was cursed or very 'dark'
^ The Yaesh Rogue/Assassin no has a dagger that buries itself in his right arm ready to eject at will, and only cost him a permanent loss of 3 HP. He made out with and was bitten by the Social Media savvy Princess Nyx, the Negative Lightning Patron and leader of vampires, gaining the Spider Climb ability. He also found three daggers in a thigh sheath that look like resting bats.
^ The Undead Barbarian found an Imperial Era, Truenamed Sword which negates one of his Negative Levels while holding it, and is anchored to the CHAIN galactic network, providing the Khark access with his Astrogation DataSlate.
^ The Vrun Warlock of Mistress Abyss met Her and was levelled up to 4th (gaining roughly 400 XP), and was gifted with an animated Scourge/Bullwhip that Poisons on a Critical. Th Mistress was seated on a living throne of contorted submissives and the whip was drawn out of one of their mouths. Abyss gifted the Western Isles Vrun Frost Wizard with, 'Black Ice', a version of Grease that still falls under her Ice/Frost tag, and is the gateway to darkness, obscurement, and other spells. Abyss shared that all of the Elemental Patrons are related, and that Frosty didn't need to worry about offending Lady Arctise by accepting the spell. Princess Nyx stopped by to complain that Game of Thrones was disappointing, but Abyss countered that Nyx should keep watching through at least the Red Wedding episode.
^ A Vrun Cleric of Life tied to Prince Donner of the Positive Lightning Plane was freed by the Khark, and has joined the party. He gained an extra Channel Divinity use per day.
^ The party exited via an elevator the Emperor installed traversing the 16 Elemental Planes. The railroady stop they took was to 'Basement 1', an artificial Plane that had many doors leading elsewhere; while there all Elemental Patron powers were cut-off or suppressed. The exit they chose opened to a stone floored but metal walled corridor.
:: TL; DR: Awesomness ::
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Weekend of 20th and 21st, September '14
Saturday Evening-
^ Eastern Vrun Ranger with the Soldier background having fought in the Abbekqorru and Sneer campaign a few years back, now working in besieged Qerzyk City attempted to hook up with the other PCs, but had the most difficult time. His animal companion is instead, an AI Drone with a glitchy unspeaking personality/temperament.
^ Yaesh Rogue Thief who is on the sh!itlist of a gangster was supposed to hook up with the Ranger, but instead hid, evaded the drone, and left to wait in a lair in the city. A rumour about an indirect fire weapon battle fought north of town was overheard.
^ Western Isles Ranger who seemed ambivalent about a strange situation she noted in the wilds about two days north of Qerzyk. Apparently two vehicles were in a battle, and one destroyed the other.
Sunday Evening-
7 Players around the table:
^ Western Isles Frost Lady Wizard
^ Khark Fighter
^ Yaesh Rogue Assassin
^ Vrun Barbarian
^ Vrun Warlock of Mistress Abyss (Blade Pact) with the worst dice
^ Drow Ranger Outrider with Sniper Rifle
^ Yaesh Monk
TL; DR: An encouter with vicious racoonoids turned into a battle with two undead Clerics and an Eldritch Knight/Wizard Skeletal Warrior resulting in the opening of a Demiplane of Death via rift in the forest of a former golf course. The Barbarian became undead and is now a modified Paladin of Lord Worm, down inside the Demiplane filled with awesome, glittering treasure.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
LINK to the WotC D&D 5e forum where this entire discussion is being held.
I've been remembering my old 1e AD&D days, where gaining Ability Score increases were only rare [occurrences] of magic item or through Wish spells. I think the effect on the game was that one stopped worrying about what one didn't have and concentrated on how to maximise the strengths of the PC, as well as more lateral thinking about how to be better prepared for contingencies, as well as group dynamics (not to mention using 10' poles to check for traps).
Imagine, if you will, 5e without Ability Score boosts, and instead, every four levels being only Feats. Whatever one's stats are will be the way barring [generosity] of the GM in magic item selection, or luck of the dice on the MI lists granting Manuals of Gainful whatsit, or the like.
Everything else works the same as RAW 5e, just without the [escalation] of, 'I think it is more important to get your Stats to 20 as fast as possible.'
Sound interesting to any of the old timers? The OSR crowd? New D&D players?
--I think I'm going that route with my gaming group.
Karnos wrote:
I hope you are prepared for a party of 5 wizards.
Weapon attacking classes are very [dependent] on main stat. For example, a fighter with 20 strength does an incredible double the damage of a fighter with 12 strength with a longsword.
Casters, not so much. While some features may allow them to add ability score bonus, and spell saves are based on casting ability score, a failed save often still does some damage and the overall effect of +5 damage on a 8d6 damage spell is very small compared to that same +5 damage when applied to a 1d8 damage attack.
How many players who wanted to play anything but a Caster will go Caster simply [because] it makes more numerical sense for them to capitalise on the factors you have stated?
Very few, I think, but, I could be wrong. Funny, that. It was often said that Wizards or (Magic-Users in days of yore) completely out-performed Fighters at high levels, but the ironic thing about that was an all Wizard party likely never reached those levels due to only having d4 HD. ;) Once PF raised HD from d4s to d6, things got a little better, but then Sorcs got their d8s and the race was off to have Wizards compete in Melee [with] the d6-d8s and the Fighters then had to go Feat-happy to retain their edge, again. lol.
Part of the charm of Old School is that it is a long term play strategy with very little payoff at lower levels for even a 'balanced' party of the big 4 classes (wait, I hear old grognards complaining about the inclusion of d4 HD Thieves and d6 Clerics with a spell at 1st level!). It became/becomes a chess [game of] opportunities and unexpected increases of power when a rare spell (let alone magic item) came into the party's hands. Once a party started to include more than one of a the classes, or in AD&D, the sub-classes, then it got a little easier to pull things off.
I don't know of too many parties that cons[is]ted only of Assassins, Druids, Illusionists, and Barbarians, but, there were each of those accessorising Big 4 parties for added effectiveness.
It is a multi-piece machine that can be reconfigured in thousands of base ways, taken to exponential [manifestations] through Player styles and strategies. The obvious Power Gamer [strategies] in CharOp are the most superficial ones this game of ours offers.
I've been remembering my old 1e AD&D days, where gaining Ability Score increases were only rare [occurrences] of magic item or through Wish spells. I think the effect on the game was that one stopped worrying about what one didn't have and concentrated on how to maximise the strengths of the PC, as well as more lateral thinking about how to be better prepared for contingencies, as well as group dynamics (not to mention using 10' poles to check for traps).
Imagine, if you will, 5e without Ability Score boosts, and instead, every four levels being only Feats. Whatever one's stats are will be the way barring [generosity] of the GM in magic item selection, or luck of the dice on the MI lists granting Manuals of Gainful whatsit, or the like.
Everything else works the same as RAW 5e, just without the [escalation] of, 'I think it is more important to get your Stats to 20 as fast as possible.'
Sound interesting to any of the old timers? The OSR crowd? New D&D players?
--I think I'm going that route with my gaming group.
Karnos wrote:
I hope you are prepared for a party of 5 wizards.
Weapon attacking classes are very [dependent] on main stat. For example, a fighter with 20 strength does an incredible double the damage of a fighter with 12 strength with a longsword.
Casters, not so much. While some features may allow them to add ability score bonus, and spell saves are based on casting ability score, a failed save often still does some damage and the overall effect of +5 damage on a 8d6 damage spell is very small compared to that same +5 damage when applied to a 1d8 damage attack.
How many players who wanted to play anything but a Caster will go Caster simply [because] it makes more numerical sense for them to capitalise on the factors you have stated?
Very few, I think, but, I could be wrong. Funny, that. It was often said that Wizards or (Magic-Users in days of yore) completely out-performed Fighters at high levels, but the ironic thing about that was an all Wizard party likely never reached those levels due to only having d4 HD. ;) Once PF raised HD from d4s to d6, things got a little better, but then Sorcs got their d8s and the race was off to have Wizards compete in Melee [with] the d6-d8s and the Fighters then had to go Feat-happy to retain their edge, again. lol.
Part of the charm of Old School is that it is a long term play strategy with very little payoff at lower levels for even a 'balanced' party of the big 4 classes (wait, I hear old grognards complaining about the inclusion of d4 HD Thieves and d6 Clerics with a spell at 1st level!). It became/becomes a chess [game of] opportunities and unexpected increases of power when a rare spell (let alone magic item) came into the party's hands. Once a party started to include more than one of a the classes, or in AD&D, the sub-classes, then it got a little easier to pull things off.
I don't know of too many parties that cons[is]ted only of Assassins, Druids, Illusionists, and Barbarians, but, there were each of those accessorising Big 4 parties for added effectiveness.
It is a multi-piece machine that can be reconfigured in thousands of base ways, taken to exponential [manifestations] through Player styles and strategies. The obvious Power Gamer [strategies] in CharOp are the most superficial ones this game of ours offers.
Weekend 13-15 September
Saturday: Played a 5e Paladin in a Freeport game.
Sunday: Urutsk (Vrun contintent): Had seven players, only got about an hour in, but that saw the Khark willingly go under Possession after learning that it is the Shorrannin who possess his people, not their Ancestors. He was struck by the Yirinn Fighter who burnt 8 Blood to land a blow -- but the damage wasn't enough after halving to KO the Khark, who fled into the misty morning of hte spillway. Before that, a Thronetree piloted by its unconscious captive (a new PC Khark Monk) appeared in the area, and threatened to damage the broad bridge. The party all joined in to attack the thing, but its DR 5/- bark proved too tough to get a good feel for what it would do if it were not inanimate after teh Monk stopped piloting it.
Monday: Played my Fighter 1/Warlock 2, Hekaethra, and gathered a bunch of spell components (skeleton dust, witch dust, unnamed potions, holy water from a LN temple that also sells Unholy Water, Healing potions, and other stuff. She is now sporting a black gryphon cloak, shield, and has 3 goblin daggers. XP total so far: 1,200.
Saturday: Played a 5e Paladin in a Freeport game.
Sunday: Urutsk (Vrun contintent): Had seven players, only got about an hour in, but that saw the Khark willingly go under Possession after learning that it is the Shorrannin who possess his people, not their Ancestors. He was struck by the Yirinn Fighter who burnt 8 Blood to land a blow -- but the damage wasn't enough after halving to KO the Khark, who fled into the misty morning of hte spillway. Before that, a Thronetree piloted by its unconscious captive (a new PC Khark Monk) appeared in the area, and threatened to damage the broad bridge. The party all joined in to attack the thing, but its DR 5/- bark proved too tough to get a good feel for what it would do if it were not inanimate after teh Monk stopped piloting it.
Monday: Played my Fighter 1/Warlock 2, Hekaethra, and gathered a bunch of spell components (skeleton dust, witch dust, unnamed potions, holy water from a LN temple that also sells Unholy Water, Healing potions, and other stuff. She is now sporting a black gryphon cloak, shield, and has 3 goblin daggers. XP total so far: 1,200.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Weekend 5e Urutsk Update Aug 30-31st
Saturday Urutsk 5e Game-
^ Acolyte Vrun Oath of the Ancients Paladin with Assault Scout, with (Engineering?), BioSci and Survival Instructor starship Caste Clan Training Backgrounds. Water Blooded.
^ Sage Western Isles Vrun Wizard with BioSci and Food Service Tech Backgrounds. Earth Blooded.
The paladin mustered out in the Fernglens and looked for something to do. Reports of burglaries, rumours of an Ancient arteact or relic found in the area. A troupe of performers arrive at the Red Dawn tavern and begin shenanigans until someone gets offended and leaves with his mate in a huff. They are dropped dead by phantasmal Reaper appearing in a white cloud. The paladin determines it is neither good nor evil, and cannot be bothered to do anything to it. The reaper disappears and the folks inside learn that the locals were killed. TLDR: A duellist and a confidence artist in the troupe were running an Antagonist/Protagonist scam in the towns they visited, and when the duellist should have died, instead, one of the locals instead dies in his place. This tracked down to a cursed necklace and the Wizard uses Scortching Ray to heat it up and burns a day's 1st level slot to break the enchantment. The duellist dies when this happens.
Days later, the paladin now a deputy, is on patrol and spots the suspected burglar, and intervenes after a murder is committed. TLDR: The humanoid has no idea about laws or order and stole the metal to fuel its Elemental Earth Blood diet (although it had a sweet tooth for preserves). It summons an elemental gnome in its likeness (but shorter) who is ready to wreck the place until he is released, but the wizard dismisses it. They hang the creature from chains and it slides through after snapping its neck, and the chains rust at the noose.
The wizard sold failed spells to the Guild Council for 100 gp.
Sunday Urutsk 5e Game-
^ Female Vrun Tempest Cleric with Elemental Blood Silt (Lord Worm)
^ Khark Hermit Fighter (Earth Blood?)
^ Yirinn Outlander Fighter with a host of Starship skills and Earth Blood
^ Vrun (Outlander? Hermit?) Fire Blooded Barbarian
^ Western Isles Vrun Frost Blooded Wizard
After last session, we were down the Yaesh Shadow Blooded Monk, but up the Khark and Barbarian. The forge operator couldn't communicate in any of heir languages, but he Fire Barb is also a Smith and they emphatically sussed out each other's intent through their shared connections. The Green Sneer bellows operator was trying to sell the PCs out to the Big Bads on lower levels, but our Yirinn is a living lie detector, and even without sharing a language, could tell the Khark who was capable of communicating with the GSneer he was lying. The forge operator tried to kill the Green, but was stopped by the Cleric who didn't understand his motivation. That honour went to the Yirinn who split him in twain. Not long afterwards, they loot the Violet Sneer overseer and get magical goodies: three Fire Beads worth a +1 Level Fire Magic effect each, cumulative; next, a crystal 'drive' capable of down and up-loading magic to devices built to use. The Yirinn kept that after intuitively determining its function (Dual Brain and Heightened Brain Function). He also determined that there is an active subterranean trade in place, by the coins the overseer was carrying (in addition to a nifty pocket knife).
The party doesn't heed the forge operator's advice, and get Slept by a Night Hag; all except the Barb who succumbs to her Frightful Visage [her true form is that of Black Beetles crawling over her skeleton]. They wake up and the Khark and Barb fail saves and go off to each gain 1 negative level in the Succubus sauna. The rest of the party are being straight talked to by the Vampire that they can freely drink of his chalice and perform a Geas, or they can die and know they've sentenced their buddies to become undead. The Cleric pours out he black blood onto the ancient floor and the dust and crumbling mortar form a Silt which she drinks up after burning 12 HP for 3d6 Silt Effect and contacting Lord Worm who gives her the OK. TLDR: Lord Worm is the Vamp's boss, too, and the kids are sent on their way; the negative levels are converted to obligation to Lord Worm tattoos, and the Cleric gets a big one on her chest, marking her as His chosen. She is leveled up to 3rd and they are now free to go. The Yirinn who had been Charmed to lap up the black blood gains 30' Darkvision and his canines grow.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Urutsk using D&D 5e: The Sunday Sessions-
Urutsk 5e-
:: Sunday Sessions
Using the print copy available on Lulu, but dialing back the crazy bonuses which were conceived of during the 3.x era, we made new PCs.
1). Yirinn-Mutant Fighter with Elemental Blood: Earth. He has Dual Brain and Heightened Brain Function, so receives 3 mental saves taking the best of the three, cannot be lied to, and takes 1/3rd the time to figure out tech and that with a bonus. He becomes the de facto 'traps guy' with his Yirinn suite of old school Dwarven senses.
2). Yaesh Monk with Elemental Blood: Shadow
3). Western Isles Vrun Wizard with Elemental Blood: Frost. The only one with Darkvision: 30'
4). Vrun Cleric of Life with Elemental Blood: Silt
A few of them receive a Human Eugenics bonus of +1 or 2 to one stat.
Each of them had some Starship caste clan background as per that book. I cannot remember what everyone had, but I know we have two Security, two Data Techs, two Life Support; Medical, Athletics & Recreation, and two Shuttle pilots amongst the group. These are in addition to their 5e Backgrounds, as they don't provide any gear or 5e proficiencies, but do give % to scavenge food, or diagnose malfunctions, etc. The Players don't seem to mind rolling d% instead of d20 for those odd bits, and frankly, I enjoy the mix of die types.
The PCs were at a travel lodge when a notice was posted regarding a new burial mound found out in the wetlands woods some distance from 'town.' With the knowledge that through Starship caste or 5e Class, the PCs all had some connection, they set off.
Scout service indications led the group to a tree with an Ogham map to the mound. The capstone entrance was heavy enough as to require group effort, but hey manged and entered the first chamber empty of anything. Detecting faint sounds of clanking and irregular but mechanical 'swooshing', the party set off sown a 30' shaft which terminated in a sloping corridor. This then ended in a 'trapped' door which they surmised would signal the occupants of the noisy room beyond of entry.
The monk burns 4 HP to generate 1d6 bonus to Stealth and opens the now rigged door and peeks in to find three Humanoids in a forge room. The blacksmith is hairy and burly, the bellows operator is green and scaly (5' ish), and the overseer is Violet and scaly, wearing robes. The room is illuminated from the floor in a tangerine light cast upon the walls, and the overall effects suggests that it is a heat source funnelled into the tech furnace. The smith is using a Bright Metal hammer, but what he's working isn't determined. The bellows operator is throwing his entire weight upon the lever, while the violet scaly overseer is looking on intently.
A plan is hatched to attack the overseer with Ice Spears erupting from the ground (Frost-based Magic Missile), and the Yirinn burns 4 Blood to trigger a DC 15 'grapple' at range with the SFX of the stone floor cracking and cratering under him. Melee is launched and the overseer is killed through a combination of staff and bare-hand monk attacks. The party waits to see the workers' reaction before renewing hostilities.
The store closes at 9; we hold it there for next week.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Avdmurtkal: We've passed through it again! Whew!
We've made it once more around the system star, Sol in this case, and we here in the wetlands starship graveyard of Urutsk wish all of our opposite numbers a very merry and happy and monster-attack-free [2014] to you on Earth.
Avdmurtkal [LINK]
Annual Forecast-
Although on Urutsk the new year is the first day of your November, I have consulted the Elemental Currents and present this forecast:
^ Positive Lightning: You are a force for positive change in a world more than slightly off kilter. Your 'go get 'em' and 'can do'attitude will make a big impact in the lives of those around you, so guard your back for those of Lower Planar influence who look to knock you from your pedestal. Look towards spring for queue to re-start one of your many 'back-burner' projects; you have the energy and skill to do it this year!
^ Aether: The void of Avdmurtkal was a trying phase for you in [2013], as it always is, but you have the foreknowledge of all the weird and wonderful things coming up in this new year. Void, like a hazy shadow, is stalking you in parallel synchrony; put on a good show and your presience will see you through your toughest times. Beware false friends who make your acquaintance without reason, they mean only to ruin what they can get their hands on: cash, possessions, emotions, trust, &c.; you will know them by their true motives, plain in your pervasive second sight.
^ Shadow: Like the Wolf, you are aware of things stirring on the fringes of Void and the Lower Planes, and you have your various hiding holes well-stocked for hunkering down until mid-year conjunctions diffuse their dissipating, wasting energies. Work your fingers, cast your magick spells with your shadow puppets, and amuse the bright and shiny ones while keeping an eye on the hidden realms to which you alone among the Upper Worlds are privy, and you may just make out ahead instead of by the skin of your teeth. 'You have no allies, only lies' and 'the abyss also whispers' are your catch phrases this year, so listen and watch their shadows -- that tells you all you need to know.
^ Frost: You know the drill: guard your over-abundant heart or it may melt. You are always prepared, and you may yet find yourself in a trusted position of leadership, or perhaps one of intelligence gathering for a patron; just be your usual -- scratch that -- be more than your typically dry-witted self. As your social network continues to spread like frost over the cold landscape, remember that all this lateral development requires a substrate -- read: the people you know and have come to depend upon -- to spread your understanding; thank them in your seemingly enigmatic way. As always, beware Steam, Fire, and Radiance-blooded individuals, they will diminish you in their awesome warmth.
I'll continue the forecast for the remaining 12 Bloods soon.
Avdmurtkal [LINK]
Annual Forecast-
Although on Urutsk the new year is the first day of your November, I have consulted the Elemental Currents and present this forecast:
^ Positive Lightning: You are a force for positive change in a world more than slightly off kilter. Your 'go get 'em' and 'can do'attitude will make a big impact in the lives of those around you, so guard your back for those of Lower Planar influence who look to knock you from your pedestal. Look towards spring for queue to re-start one of your many 'back-burner' projects; you have the energy and skill to do it this year!
^ Aether: The void of Avdmurtkal was a trying phase for you in [2013], as it always is, but you have the foreknowledge of all the weird and wonderful things coming up in this new year. Void, like a hazy shadow, is stalking you in parallel synchrony; put on a good show and your presience will see you through your toughest times. Beware false friends who make your acquaintance without reason, they mean only to ruin what they can get their hands on: cash, possessions, emotions, trust, &c.; you will know them by their true motives, plain in your pervasive second sight.
^ Shadow: Like the Wolf, you are aware of things stirring on the fringes of Void and the Lower Planes, and you have your various hiding holes well-stocked for hunkering down until mid-year conjunctions diffuse their dissipating, wasting energies. Work your fingers, cast your magick spells with your shadow puppets, and amuse the bright and shiny ones while keeping an eye on the hidden realms to which you alone among the Upper Worlds are privy, and you may just make out ahead instead of by the skin of your teeth. 'You have no allies, only lies' and 'the abyss also whispers' are your catch phrases this year, so listen and watch their shadows -- that tells you all you need to know.
^ Frost: You know the drill: guard your over-abundant heart or it may melt. You are always prepared, and you may yet find yourself in a trusted position of leadership, or perhaps one of intelligence gathering for a patron; just be your usual -- scratch that -- be more than your typically dry-witted self. As your social network continues to spread like frost over the cold landscape, remember that all this lateral development requires a substrate -- read: the people you know and have come to depend upon -- to spread your understanding; thank them in your seemingly enigmatic way. As always, beware Steam, Fire, and Radiance-blooded individuals, they will diminish you in their awesome warmth.
I'll continue the forecast for the remaining 12 Bloods soon.
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