The party set off into the corrupted Dragon's Spine hyperspace conduit in their cargo-van-sized craft and almost immediately were found by those pesky Shorrannin (who knew through a precog-scan they would return after first visit). The nutso pilot, pyromaniac Western Isles Vrun, Silt-blooded but Fire-worshiping Cleric (!) was the first they approached, but she was not to be swayed. Next came a Monarch-conditioned SRA victim (gun and explosives-freak) mute (backstory: her voxbox had been 'torn out' to silence and punish her after she survived a slaughter of her unit in wartime). She was told the voice contacting her was that of her Mistress (Abyss?) and she literally jumped out of the craft onto the petrified-wood/bone terrain, and was proptly picked up by the Shorrannin. The party called it no big loss, and flew on without one descenting opinion.
The transformation over a week's time in the Hiveship had the players a bit grossed out, such as being pulled/pushed through a corridor filled with bugs of every conceivable size, as if flowing through a living fluid. Subcutaneous chitin beign implanted; as well as the PC beign impregnated with a further buggified clone of herself (reincarnation). Caressed by the unseen queen in dark chambers with moist breath, slimy tentacles, and tender mandibles comforting her. As the PC had self-described herself as a Ritual Abused-inducted child, this attention was not unwanted. The Shorrannin Queen informed the PC that she was aware of a future event in which an egg/device should be retrieved by the PC, allowing time to be transcended. The PC took this to mean that the present was when the egg would show up, and forced her way upon a ship to be be described now...
The crew of the alien DHL van ;) was overcome by the monotony and vastness of the realm, and the intrusion of the psychic technology of the craft, and tried to gain mastery of its systems outside of combat. Initial performance during a salvo of torpedoes/missiles during the first encounter was wanting, and so they set about to do some preemptive weapons fire when a contact was made on the sonar-like energy scope sensor. A craft was detected a long ways off and the group, travelling stealthed, continued to observe it.
This craft was piloted by a Gnome native to this Shorrannin-corrupted Dragonspace realm, only occasionally having exited into that bizarre and frightening black void dotted with distant specks of light. His craft looks like a metallic green horseshoe with a black 'nucleous' set in the crook of the shoe, bridged only by a Dim-Door. It is house-sized, mostly used for cargo, with the nucleous as bridge and living quarters for the Gnome. As a Wizard, he is able to utilise all of his known spells through the craft, and carries a pistol-wand, and a rifle-rod for personal defence. This craft could detect energy output in the environment, but couldn't pinpoint it (I used the quantum, either speed and not location, or location, but not speed, example), and after hours of approach and scanning and counter-scanning, interacted with the PCs. First the energy bridge was extended, but the Party docked inside the horseshoe. Almost immediately, the buggified PC, riding a rolling energy vortex (torroid), tried to enter the ship, only to encounter the ship's Shield. She used her Void teleport, sacrificing her clone baby to breach the defence, and steamingly appeared in a hold, dripping black baby ichor.
Killing herself through a combination of her exertions and a ricochet, the party members burned her body to spell components and flushed the rest out into Dragonspace. The player appeared a bit flustered, and no one else spoke of the event; we ended the session there.
TL; DR: PvP = Party versus PC.
The small turnout saw those present travelling through a dead level, encountering and dispatching a Wraith. The next level had two Wraiths, and one had to sacrifice most of its Dynamic Pool (HPs) to affect the Western Isles Vrun Frost Wizard (now with an apprentice), while the other broke off and disappeared. Soon thereafter, a flaming skull came and introduced himself as the herald of the Wraith King, and proceeded to F'them up, but was taken down in about three Rounds, after the Frost Wizard had to turn off the Frost-tag on her spells. The Paly Player joked about dropping a Smite on his canteen to make Holy Water, which I allowed. The FS was destroyed. Later, the Shadow Paladin (played in the Saturday sessions, too ... to receive only half-XP in each day's adventures) received a vision of a Wraith King promising his wrath upon them should they not submit to him). Lady Arctise could barely be contacted, and she seemed very worried her agents were in great peril, mouthing to 'get out of there'. She flashed ice-blue light in the unpowered lift shaft, and the PCs jumped. Falling until the Vrun encoutered the working levels' field, the Halbean (WI Vrun) rode an Ice Slide down until they spotted vegetation.
This was the top of a multi-level biodome, and the dippy-hippies welcomed them to go through decontamination before joining the population in the Idyls. It became clear that these folks worship a dynamism of Lord Worm (Silt), and Pant the It (Steam) as the Greenman and Goddess. We held it there.
TL; DR: Undead and Deadheads
A blog for The Urutsk Cycle and Related Subjects, including the URUTSK: World of Mystery RPG.
Shipwrecked survivors of a galaxy-spanning empire (ruined when the core exploded) settle upon a wetlands world occupied by humans and other species. They then poke through ruins of their Ancient ancestors as they strive to regain space and then, starflight.
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Thursday, October 30, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
October 18th & 19th
:: 7 Players
The exploration of the mine continued and a startling discovery was made: The Goop dissolves organics, leaving inorganics unharmed. It also turns rigid when exposed to sub-microwave energy and acts as a filter/cap. Lowering the Justifier-armoured Paladin below the goopcap exposed travel through an open gateway. The new place is a pervasive darkness lit with varying degrees of light in the grey tones. Illuminated are paths of what look to be a combination of bone and calcified wood, going off in long wild coils, or out of sight. Sensors and samples indicate that this is a Draconic construct corrupted by Shorrannin; and may be a Draconic equivalent to the Human Hyperspace network of pre-Imperial days. The group had earlier uncovered a vehicle which required Vrun genetic unlock to operate, and was based upon alien technology. The Kherstic League invited them to explore the place in the hopes of reaching a different star system. They'll be using the newly uncovered vehicle to explore this space.
:: 6 Players
Now one level lower after having bridged the isolated computer with lower level connectivity, the Party discovered that a population of roughly 600 cannibalistic warriors controls not only this level, but also two further down. Rather than simply use the automated defence systems with override authorisation to kill them all, the new paladin of Shadow suggested approaching them in peace. The group compromised by having the AI address the warriors, who complied with the peaceful meeting. TL; DR: The warriors are the remnants of a the last line of Security forces securing the retreat of the crew and colonists deeper into the ship complex, and had adapted to their unusual role and circumstances by eating their impaired. The Paladin healed a few of their diseases, but also introduced both fungi and algae to their diet. The good relations allow the Party to travel through to more civilised areas of the complex.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Urutsk D&D 5th: 11th and 12th of October, '14
The group consisted of three PCs, and they found a hoverbike and watched its operator, off bike, being chased down by thin and lithe tiger-sized wolf-like things. Recognising the colours as the Kherstic League, the tech-Ranger sniped the figure. Turned out to be a female Yirinn, likely Void- or Nega-Lightning Blooded by her extensive and dark-themed tattoos covering her body. They looted her clean and stole the bike, towing a Qemrin flying saucer they had blown up real good earlier, when only two PCs were present. They were quickly met by the KL drones which they promptly shot down after getting hosed by 3d6 rapidfire guns on the basketball-sized devices. Captured, one PC dying, they were released into a psychward looking room, and their dying friend wheeled in, head shaved, and speaking in a lower voice. Psychics or via implants were dismissively insulting them in their minds, and were telling the near-dead female PC she was now a 'he', named Bahb instead of Betti. Said PC snapped her own neck rather than live in that torment. The other two climbed into the ventilation shaft and 'escaped' only to realise they were being led up the garden path, as it were. Asked if they were ready to stop fighting their capture and simply work for the KL doing what they had been scamming, namely recovering Ancient technology from the mine. They continued to plot revenge, apparently not caring that their thoughts are an open book, as it were.
Four PCs this time, with more expected next (this) week. Waking up from Cryosleep, Eleis, the Western Isles Frost Wizard, chatted with the AI and started to understand what had transpired in the intervening 873 years (when they were supposed to wake every 50 years or so). Learnt that a collapse in morale by those Vrun born to the survivors of the destruction of the Sphere of Stars led to Elemental Factionism along Caste lines. Eleis then learnt how to create a Frost Font, drawing power from the ice and snow as a Temporary Dynamic Pool she can use in all the ways her DP (that is to say in D&D terms, her Hit Points), including to cast at higher level slots. The first solo fight with a mutated Rhemoraz (sp?) went well, but only because these critters aren't immune to Cold. Waking up the Monk/Data Tech, and the Barb/Pally/Ship's Superstructure guy and his Assassin/? ward, the group now numbered double digits looking to the PCs to fix their miserably cold situation before they froze to death. Nearly 600 years ago, the glacier sitting atop the ship complex broke through and this level was completely abandoned, and it was cut off from the mainframe AI. A series of three or four other combats with the mini-Rhemies went in the Party's favour. Now everyone is looking to descend to lower levels of the ship complex. It is believed that these Rhemoraz are Shorrannin sub-species.
The group consisted of three PCs, and they found a hoverbike and watched its operator, off bike, being chased down by thin and lithe tiger-sized wolf-like things. Recognising the colours as the Kherstic League, the tech-Ranger sniped the figure. Turned out to be a female Yirinn, likely Void- or Nega-Lightning Blooded by her extensive and dark-themed tattoos covering her body. They looted her clean and stole the bike, towing a Qemrin flying saucer they had blown up real good earlier, when only two PCs were present. They were quickly met by the KL drones which they promptly shot down after getting hosed by 3d6 rapidfire guns on the basketball-sized devices. Captured, one PC dying, they were released into a psychward looking room, and their dying friend wheeled in, head shaved, and speaking in a lower voice. Psychics or via implants were dismissively insulting them in their minds, and were telling the near-dead female PC she was now a 'he', named Bahb instead of Betti. Said PC snapped her own neck rather than live in that torment. The other two climbed into the ventilation shaft and 'escaped' only to realise they were being led up the garden path, as it were. Asked if they were ready to stop fighting their capture and simply work for the KL doing what they had been scamming, namely recovering Ancient technology from the mine. They continued to plot revenge, apparently not caring that their thoughts are an open book, as it were.
Four PCs this time, with more expected next (this) week. Waking up from Cryosleep, Eleis, the Western Isles Frost Wizard, chatted with the AI and started to understand what had transpired in the intervening 873 years (when they were supposed to wake every 50 years or so). Learnt that a collapse in morale by those Vrun born to the survivors of the destruction of the Sphere of Stars led to Elemental Factionism along Caste lines. Eleis then learnt how to create a Frost Font, drawing power from the ice and snow as a Temporary Dynamic Pool she can use in all the ways her DP (that is to say in D&D terms, her Hit Points), including to cast at higher level slots. The first solo fight with a mutated Rhemoraz (sp?) went well, but only because these critters aren't immune to Cold. Waking up the Monk/Data Tech, and the Barb/Pally/Ship's Superstructure guy and his Assassin/? ward, the group now numbered double digits looking to the PCs to fix their miserably cold situation before they froze to death. Nearly 600 years ago, the glacier sitting atop the ship complex broke through and this level was completely abandoned, and it was cut off from the mainframe AI. A series of three or four other combats with the mini-Rhemies went in the Party's favour. Now everyone is looking to descend to lower levels of the ship complex. It is believed that these Rhemoraz are Shorrannin sub-species.
Monday, October 6, 2014
October 4th & 5th, '14
(7 Players)
The Ranger with ball droid, and the Technical Rogue in ninja HUD suit are guided by Snow Leopardoids to a location where unpleasant creatures are doing unwanted things on Snow Leopardoid tribal lands; a backwoods Ranger type is there as well. The big cats go diving into Sneers and munching on Humans, and blow the infiltration plan. Meanwhile, a mining operation with Sneers uncovers an ancient vehicle, which a Red Sneer illustrates its defences are still active by blowing up. This explosion is what the prompts unprofessional Vrun guards to open up on the Sneers. In the crossfire is a Vrun Warlock of Princess Nyx, who should have got hit, and later had holes in her clothes, but showed no injury. The Champion Fighter had fetched the Gangster Moll who promptly fell unconscious, hitting her head and gone into a light coma. The Rogue and Ranger infiltrate and fight their way into the CF of a situation, while the Champion brings the bosslady to the mess. The mess hall has the Khem Warlock who administersw a healing potion bringing her out of hte coma, just before the Ranger blows the Moll's brains out. [...] A Durnsman takes the party down to a slime or pudding at the bottom of the mine shaft.
TL; DR: Death
(5 Players)
Lady Arctise gains access to the Emperor's Elevator and she sends the PCs back to First Winter. There they explain how to save more Vrun, and how they come from the future, meaning the plan succeeds. They cryosleep for 873 years into mid-First Winter and then crawl out with 3 'Str' and try and figure out what they should do next. The Barbarian 3 is now Palladin 2; the Rogue Assassin has been de-Nyx'd after he met with Lord Shadow, and can now Alter Self 3x/Day; the Monk is likely going to add K'en Unai (somebody's Jedi/Sith 5e writeup) next level. The Warlock of Mystress Abyss met his ancestor and together they get 125% more folks in cryo to ride out the hard radiation bath that was riding out ahead of the Starshock. Ellieis, the Western Isles Frost Wizard Lady, reconciled with Arctise and the little Frost Fox received a damage upgrade. I've promised them a big combat next time.
TL; DR: Time travel
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