(C) 2022 Kyrinn S. Eis
All Rights Reserved
Since it came over me, ain't been the same
Like a long-ago friend, returned, reframed.
Constant pressure for me to Grey
---------Dark chorus of severity
...and all I can say is: I like me this way.
"The Plan" and much more; the path grown clearer
Am I entangled, my dark quantum sister?
Does apotheosis hinge -- on her answer?
I'm all-in, regardless, friend;
Could never return, without everything
Let my reach exceed my grasp, --if -- need --be;
Yet, let me see, nay, let it be me:
--Black Sunrise: --Setankhaten.
Together (or apart) let my hands find the tiller:
Reforge the Mythic, let the days blur together.
The surviours of Sunder, all left better,
While great ruins crumble --and smoulder.
Four seasons all in turn, let Bison hunts return;
the Continent wild, civilisation re-conquered.
Let liminal rites, adult Humans-make:
Ruins, their trial-space rank,
Tokens they collect there for fablesake.
That SET gave me this Gift while my blood
still flows: too much is left unsaid, and undone.
My fellow Americans, my Human friends:
We've so much to accomplish: it just never ends.
Our need for deep change: we can't stay the same:
Red Reign companion to the Black Flame.
o Written during my trip to Tennessee.
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