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Monday, March 11, 2024


I'm really beginning to feel for those impoverished souls on American soil, now that I am among them.

My SNAP benefits should have landed today, but I was foolish enough to trust the system, and walked to the store, hand-picked which items I thought I most needed and made for the checkout.  I found out after the ring-up that, no, my benefits are not landed, and so my basket went to be restocked.

Went someplace to sit and use the phone to try and identify the problem, only to be stuck in muzak hold purgatory until even I lost patience and walked back home.

I'm so frustrated by this situation, where work has not fired me, but has instead not given me any new assignments -- desiring that I quit, and therefore become ineligible for full benefits.

My brother-in-law was in-good with the new GSM, why would they choose to pull this on me?

I really dread contacting my other sister.

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