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Saturday, March 2, 2024

[Lyrics] Bride of Set

(c) 2022 Kyrinn S. Eis, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

In which --I, was with my master
Key ways and vault doors
--Opening to me
A house --almost familiar

In this dream, --Schlager,
(to whom I was apprenticed)
and I, drove to our friend's

She let us in, and we were so
pleased --again to see her
and we again met her family
and --toured the interior

Now alone I wandered to
a room, indigo with golden
suns and moons, and I lay
there upon a bed in the

When I noticed then, that
I was not alone, she stood
at the foot, and I sat up,
and said, "You must be --"

And you, --said to me,
"Someone you've never met."--
So sweet this innocent, a girl
of perhaps but --thirteen

My soul had been pierced,
lanced through, and it would
be another 28 years, until
Our meeting -would -come true

I saw her in a dream, and she
fortified me for my battle
with a pale reflection, Lilith
-- to a Twisted sort of Adam

Then in -twenty -sixteen, I
thought again -I -saw -her,
Singing of, All the Colors
of the Dark, it was then that I
Realised that-dream was You


 o If not mystical, then they must be Bene Gesserim, who guide bloodlines and curve times, around strange attractors; projecting down timelines surely a quantum matter...

 o I lived on a manmade lake, the town a sort of spiral; and it was as if she and I lived on a diagonal, crosswise in time, and yet our path it slowly straightened...

 o Another life: a holding pattern until the night that that -we -did meet.

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