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Thursday, July 4, 2024

[Urban Dictionary Blues]

The site doesn't seem to permit me to post, but I have a blog:

compromiseure , adj.-- com-pro-mise-yur, or, com-pro-mise-zhure.
:: the act of complacent compromise which grows into a habit of defeatism.

-- Jeffrey's persistent compromiseure marked his future as one of servile sterility and wasted potential.

From Fr., Brit. usage; archaic

[4] Erudite, [3] Classy, [1] Kronk

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Me to You: {Scott Walker's, Duchess, but, if I'm lying, it's on the floor}
🔥     ðŸ”¥

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

[Official] [News] [URUTSK] [561] [Days]

The OSR / D&D URUTSK Project by B/X Blackrazor has Deadlined and will not be renewed.
Any KSE IP is no longer within reach of legal use by B/X Blackrazor, under Jonathan Becker, or his imprints.

Wishing Jonathan Becker well in his other endeavours.

Though landed-lobster I be,
to me, You are the sea...


Beautiful imagery
